Typical tasks for industry placement students checklist


This checklist supports employer engagement colleagues to review and discuss typical tasks in the workplace that would be beneficial for the student to have an opportunity to engage with. 



The checklist can be used at an enquiry or a preparation stage and will help you confidently engage employers in thinking about T Level typical tasks, projects and activities that a student can experience during an industry placement. 

Each checklist provides you with typical student skills and tasks that you can work through with an employer:

  • employability skills
  • T Level core skills
  • skills from one of the occupational specialisms as an example (blank sections for you to populate for additional occupational specialisms as required.)

To populate additional occupational specialisms:

  1. Refer to the example provided and extract the performance outcome title from the outline content of the relevant T level specification. 
  2. Select examples from the performance outcomes skills table.  

The link to the outline content is provided within the template.

Further checklists will be added for the remaining T levels in due course. 


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