Skill Area Introductory Presentations

This set of resources are for employer engagement staff to edit and use when engaging with employers about T Levels in the following Skill Areas: 

  • Business and Administration
  • Construction
  • Creative and Design
  • Digital 
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Health and Science

Each PowerPoint slide pack contains key messaging about T Levels and Industry Placements which are relevant to the skill area.   

The presentation structure includes: 

  • Introduction to the T Levels, Occupational Specialisms, and Industry Placements in the skill area
  • Answering any initial questions
  • Gauging employer interest in hosting an Industry placement for a student at your school or college

Whilst key T Level messages have been included throughout each slide is editable to customise it to your specific T Level offer. 

Branding has been kept to a minimum to allow you to apply your own logo’s, imagery and style, however, where possible please align this to the T Level Branding Guidance. 

Throughout the slides <xxx> is used to indicate where an insertion of specific detail is required by you. Please overtype this and remove the highlighting. 

There may be further guidance and / or speaker notes within the notes section of each slide.  
It is anticipated that these presentations will be used with employers who have shown a level of interest following a more generic introduction to T Levels and Industry Placements, see Introductory Presentation for Employers.  


When preparing for this more detailed conversation with employers you will need to make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of your organisation’s T Level offer.  
Work with your curriculum colleagues to develop your understanding and where appropriate invite them to join the conversations. You may find it helpful to use Preparation ahead of Employer Engagement: Questions to ask Curriculum Colleagues to help you prepare.  

Introduction - Digital.pptx

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