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Case study

Case study: planning the T Level student journey with Thomas Telford UTC

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Providers that have been delivering the first and second wave of T Levels have put in a great amount of time and attention into developing and implementing the T Level student journey. This resource will give you an insight into how schools and UTCs have managed to successfully plan a brand-new T Level curriculum and key personal advice to support your planning.

Who is this resource for?

This resource is for people that will be involved in the planning and delivery of T Levels from a school or UTC provider type setting. This includes senior leaders, middle managers and delivery staff.

How to use this resource

This school and UTC case study will focus around four key sections of the T Level student journey. By watching the complete 11 minute video, you will gain valuable insights from senior leaders, middle managers, delivery staff, employers and students. 

  • Marketing & Recruitment

  • Enrolment & Induction

  • On-Programme & Delivery

  • Exit & Progression

Video length: 7 minutes 42 seconds

Video transcript

If you would like to look at the specific themes within each section, you can click on the individual links below. 

Senior Leader:

  1. What is the importance of an overarching vision & strategy?
  2. What is the significance of early employer engagement in planning T Levels?
  3. How can employers actively engage and feed into the curriculum?
  4. How can you plan effectively for employer engagement over the academic year?
  5. How can you offer recognition for employers for their support?
  6. What are your top tips for getting employers involved in T Levels?
  7. What is the T Level induction process?
  8. How do you use employers to support the planning of the industry placements?
  9. What are the lessons learnt regarding scheduling industry placements?


  1. What is the Thomas Telford UTC employer group?
  2. How do you support the T Level interview process?
  3. How do you support T Level students whilst on industry placement?
  4. What has the student contribution been for your organisation/industry?

Middle Managers:

  1. How do you upskill staff to make sure their industry skills and knowledge is current?
  2. How do you celebrate T Level student success?
  3. What do you do to support students plan for their next steps and positive progression?


  1. How did you find out about T Levels?
  2. What are your next steps and how have T Levels supported you?
  3. What do you say to students thinking about T Levels?

Top tips from Thomas Telford UTC

  • before recruiting students, work out the timing of placements with employers
  • work with employers to develop the placement 
  • cover a good deal of technical content before the placement starts
  • publicly recognise and celebrate employer contribution - use social media
  • get things in the diary early
  • communicate effectively with employers
  • demonstrate the quality of what you are doing

Useful resources and links

T Levels at Thomas Telford UTC

Recruitment information pack from Thomas Telford UTC

Employer Engagement Booklet

Curriculum Planning

Work Related Learning Programme Detail

A checklist to download and help you plan next steps in developing and implementing the student journey in your organisation


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