The planning cycle for industry placements

Document summary

This resource will help with the planning process for industry placements in the 12 months building up to  providers offering the qualification. The process is split into 4 sections to make it user friendly: 

  • Phase 1 – set up and start  
  • Phase 2 – engagement and development  
  • Phase 3 – detailed planning and student selection  
  • Phase 4 – final preparation (after selecting the student)  

Each phase has a large table to allow users to make notes for the planning cycle, the provider should be able to identify any areas for development or additional resources which may not currently be in place.  

Listed is also a breakdown of job descriptions, CRM information that may be considered, feedback questions for the end of placements, and a post-placement checklist. 

Key information

Published by: Association of Colleges (AOC)

Length: 35 pages


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