Roles, responsibilities and collaboration

A downloadable version of tables in this resource are available here.


This resource gives an overview of the roles involved in planning and delivering T Levels. It explains what the key responsibilities and duties are in each role and lists the main functions they carry out. It also shows the lead role in each area of planning and delivery. Staff may be responsible for the delivery of a number of roles. 

Managers and staff must understand their individual roles and accept accountability for them. But T Levels are most effective when everyone involved works well together. This will allow you to tailor T Levels to meet the needs of a diverse range of students, across a wide range of learning environments, in different areas of the economy. 

The ten roles summarised in the resource are: 

Programme leads – take overall responsibility for the programme 

Curriculum leads – design the T Level curriculum, plan and oversee delivery 

Teaching staff – teach all the T Level components as a coherent whole, motivating students to succeed 

Student support staff – provide support to help students make progress and achieve  

Careers and IAG staff – inspire students to choose T Levels as a route to successful technical careers 

Employer engagement staff – inspire employers to get involved, and work with them to provide industry placements 

Assessment and examination staff – plan and manage assessments as an integral part of the curriculum 

Facilities and equipment staff – provide high-quality physical and technical resources 

Data, management information and systems staff – provide information for all aspects of programme planning, management, delivery and compliance

Marketing staff – communicate the benefits of T Levels to all different audiences, including prospective students, parents and carers, employers and stakeholders 

Who is it for? 

Everyone in your organisation who’s involved in planning, delivering and supporting T Levels.  

How to use this resource 

The resource consists of: 

  • a checklist outlining key responsibilities, duties and functions of these ten roles 
  • a table showing lead and supportive roles

Use the checklist as a starting point to define responsibilities and duties in each role.  

Thinking about your organisation, adjust the checklist to match how T Level roles are defined and note that some roles will be carried out by the same person. Use the map to identify who will support the leads in your organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

Roles and key responsibilities



T Level programme leads

Responsible for overall strategy and high-level planning of the organisation’s T Level programme


Lead the establishment of your T Level offer within your overall offer.

Create clear lines of accountability and ownership for all major programme components (as shown in the resource entitled process and timelines).

Oversee the implementation of your T Level strategy.

Develop a culture of technical excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

  • Strategy
  • Programme development
  • Planning
  • Resourcing
  • Target setting
  • Governance and reporting
  • Implementation oversight
  • Communications planning
  • Quality assurance
  • Culture

T Level curriculum leads

Responsible for the T Level curriculum, teaching, student experience and outcomes


Lead the operational implementation of your T Level strategy.

Establish and communicate the scope and range of the T Level.

Work with teams to design a high-quality, student-focused curriculum reflecting industry standards.

Plan and oversee how the curriculum is delivered to provide confident technical teaching and realistic, motivating learning in inspiring environments.

Develop a shared understanding of performance standards, teaching methods and assessment requirements.

Support staff to improve their technical expertise and professional practice.

Champion the advancement of T Levels across the organisation and with external partners. e.g. employers, higher education.

  • Curriculum development
  • Curriculum design
  • Standards
  • Continuous improvement
  • Industry engagement
  • Professional practice
  • Professional development
  • Quality assurance
  • Evaluation
  • Collaborative working

T Level teaching staff

Responsible for delivering the curriculum so that students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours to realise their potential and achieve the T Level

Deliver a coherent curriculum, including integrated industry placements, enabling students to progress to rewarding technical careers.

Give students opportunities to acquire technical knowledge and skills, improve performance, prepare effectively for assessment, and gain a genuine understanding of the industry and workplace.

Provide rich and rewarding learning environments, where students take increasing responsibility for their learning.

Help students to understand and apply technical content, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop behaviours which meet employers’ expectations.

Support students to tackle demanding technical problems in real-work situations, develop effective plans, and demonstrate initiative, independent decision-making and autonomy.

Continuously improve students’ experience on the programme.

Develop their professional practice aligned to industry standards and best practices.

  • Curriculum design
  • Curriculum planning
  • Teaching all T Level components (core, occupational specialism, employability skills)
  • Preparation for assessment
  • Preparation for industry placements
  • Development of real-work scenarios, case studies, projects 
  • Learning environments
  • Learning resources
  • Progress monitoring
  • Continuous improvement
  • Professional development

Student support staff

Responsible for supporting students by helping them to meet the demands of the T Level


Recognise that T Levels present students with invaluable opportunities as well as real challenges because of their demands and the timeframes in which they take place.

Design effective ways of monitoring students throughout their time on T Levels, using evidence-based methods to anticipate where there may be a need for support.

Devise support strategies which are welcoming, accessible and responsive to individual students’ needs, interests and potential.

Provide timely, targeted support when and where necessary, including on industry placements including appropriate arrangements for assistive technology, access and reasonable adjustments.

Provide students with personal, emotional and behavioural skills to manage their work, overcome difficulties, access support and work effectively with staff and peers to achieve their objectives.

Promote the value of a wide range of aptitudes, talents, perspectives and contributions to students and employers.

Celebrate diversity, promote inclusive practices, and challenge assumptions about performance, progression, and potential.

Create a supportive and enabling culture of learning and achievement, based on a thorough understanding of support needs.

  • Design of support structures and systems
  • Student monitoring
  • Student support
  • Guidance
  • Resources
  • Equality, access and inclusion

Careers and IAG staff

Responsible for understanding the needs and priorities of employers and sharing these insights with T Level students and staff


Analyse how T Levels align with the needs, priorities and expectations of employers and industry.

Inspire students and their parents about the career opportunities that T Levels can lead to and how relevant they are to students’ interests, aptitudes and ambitions.

Illustrate and promote these opportunities to employer engagement staff, T Level curriculum teams, employers and other industry partners such as trade and professional bodies.

Explain the features of T Levels including employment and career opportunities to feeder schools, parents, guardians and carers.

  • Labour market analysis
  • Information, advice and guidance
  • Promotion



Employer engagement staff

Responsible for engaging employers to support T Levels and offer high-quality industry placements


Devise ways to interest and secure employers support for the T Level curriculum and for industry placements.

Establish productive relationships with local and regional employer groups such as Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, professional bodies etc.

Plan how to engage enough employers to meet the demand for industry placements.

Work with T Level curriculum teams and employers to devise real-work scenarios, case studies and project briefs for the curriculum, and to set objectives and learning goals for industry placements.

Help employers to select models for industry placements which work for them and agree attendance patterns.

Work with curriculum teams and employers to agree processes to recruit and select students onto industry placements, support them, provide feedback and take part in reviews.

  • Promotion
  • Relationship management
  • Targets (placement numbers)
  • Industry placement design
  • Placement processes
  • Collaborative working

Assessment and examinations staff

Responsible for planning and managing T Level assessments with curriculum teams, giving students opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and behaviours

Understand the different types of assessment in T Level components including examinations, employer-set projects and extended practical assignments.

Understand the requirements of the various assessment instruments used in T Levels.

Plan how to integrate assessment within the T Level programme with enough flexibility to match individual students’ progress.

Implement controlled conditions which meet assessment requirements and reflect authentic workplace situations and briefs.

Provide administrative and logistical support to curriculum teams, and the resources students need to carry out the assessments, e.g. technical tools and equipment.

Promote equality and inclusion in assessment, including access arrangements and special considerations to ensure all students have fair and appropriate opportunities to demonstrate their progress, potential and achievement.

  • Curriculum design
  • Assessment requirements
  • Administration and logistics
  • Equality, access and inclusion



Facilities and equipment staff

Responsible for providing T Level staff and students with high-quality facilities and equipment


Understand the facilities, equipment and technical tools required for each T Level and each occupational specialism.

Provide the facilities and equipment when and where needed.

Test, maintain and adapt facilities and equipment to make sure they are ready for use; comply with all health and safety standards and guidelines for use; and align to current industry standards.

  • Resource planning
  • Logistics
  • Health and safety


Data, management information (MI) and systems staff

Responsible for providing valid, reliable and secure data and MI to support decision-making, quality and compliance in T Levels

Understand the information management requirements for the organisation’s T Level programmes in terms of management, delivery, assessment, student support and regulatory compliance.

Select MI and data systems that can support all aspects of T Level delivery and assessment, provide accurate information quickly and in the right forms, and can be integrated.

Ensure that the information provided is easy to access and use, while maintaining confidentiality.

Test users’ experience and continuously improve the systems in response to user needs.

  • Systems specifications and selection
  • Systems integration
  • Supply of data and MI
  • User testing
  • Continuous improvement
  • Compliance


Marketing staff

Responsible for communicating positive messages about T Levels to prospective students, parents, guardians and carers, employers, staff and other audiences



Understand the organisation’s full T Level offer and the specific features and benefits of individual T Levels.

Identify the different target audiences and analyse the most appropriate and effective communication channels and methods for each.

Reinforce the positive messages about T Levels being produced by government and others, while also articulating the specific strengths of your organisation’s T Level offer.

Use focused campaigns to attract specific audiences such as younger students of all interests and aptitudes, feeder schools, and smaller employers.

Get your messages across in ways that are persuasive and compelling to your target audiences.

Promote T Levels to attract diverse students in a way that promotes participation across all groups.

Develop a medium to longer term strategy to raise the profile of T Levels in line with the organisation’s ambitions.

  • Programme development
  • Communications planning
  • Key messages
  • Campaigns
  • Equality and diversity



Working together

A document to assist your mapping is available in the downloadable tables section which will help you to:

  • Confirm who will lead each part of your T Level implementation
  • Identify supporting roles

Downloadable tables 

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