Developing your customer journey


This tool is aimed at supporting employer engagement colleagues to develop the ‘customer journey’ employers will be supported through when engaging with their organisation.  


An employer customer journey should visualise the steps that an employer takes to interact with your organisation and its services from their perspective.  By creating a visual representation of the employer engagement process, you’ll gain valuable insight into the employers’ experience and be able to identify any gaps and opportunities for improvements.

You can use the tool for reflection and action planning, either individually or as a team. You can also use it as a basis for discussion and feedback with your manager or other colleagues. You should aim to review your approach at least once a year, or more frequently if there are significant changes in your systems and processes, or in the T Level policy and delivery landscape.

This tool is not intended to be a comprehensive or prescriptive checklist, but rather a flexible and adaptable guide that you can use to suit your own context and needs. 


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