5th April 2024- T Level Newsletter
The T Level & T Level Foundation Year National Learning Event - The Birmingham Conference & Events Centre at the Holiday Inn, 18th April 2024, 9.30 am - 4.00 pm
This conference is designed to provide you with the tools and insights necessary for successfully developing T Level and T Level Foundation Year programmes. The day will include sessions on employer engagement including representatives from employers from a range of sectors and providers discussing placement challenge, sharing best practice and the opportunity for discussion. There will be a roundtable with providers and awarding organisations focusing on T Level and T Level Foundation Year assessment methodologies, as well as a session with OFSTED discussing the strengths and weaknesses identified in inspections of T Levels and the T Level Foundation Year. For those providers who deliver or plan to deliver the T Level Foundation Year there will be a session with early delivery providers sharing their journey from planning to delivery from so you can benefit from their valuable insights and experience.
To reserve your place, click T Level and T Level Foundation Year… | Association of Colleges (aoc.co.uk)
NEW! Information and support materials for providers delivering reformed post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below.
A new area of the T Levels support for schools and colleges website dedicated to the reforms including: timelines, practical resources, and frequently asked questions is available here. You can use this space to learn about upcoming events, and where to get support with curriculum planning. There are downloadable resources available, which we would encourage you to share with your colleagues – such as a detailed walkthrough of the qualifications reform timeline – which will help support your implementation of the reforms.
T Levels and progression to Higher Education update
We have republished the list of higher education providers accepting T Levels onto at least one course. The list now includes over 160 providers - List of higher education providers that accept T Levels for entry - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
As part of our ongoing engagement with the Higher Education sector, we have recently hosted a roundtable alongside Universities UK with a range of Higher Education providers to understand their perception and understanding of T Levels. This was a positive discussion, and we were pleased to hear how T Levels were being embraced in HE admissions and that there was some great feedback on T Level learners who have progressed onto Higher Education. We also heard some useful insights on how we can continue to promote T Levels to HE providers and will feed all feedback from the roundtable into our wider Higher Education engagement strategy.
T Level comms material and case studies in one place
T Levels form part of the national Skills for Life campaign, but lots more activity takes place to raise awareness. This includes targeted PR, partnerships with education organisations, social media and influencer activities. Here are some examples of coverage from the last six months; including case studies, videos for Snapchat, BBC Bitesize content and other resources you can use to promote T Levels to students and parents.
Careers Guidance Grant Monitoring Forms
This is a reminder to all providers who received the T Level Careers Guidance grant, the deadline for returning the Monitoring Form was 31 March 2024.
If you have not yet sent your Monitoring Form we would appreciate it if this form can be returned to us as soon as possible so we can review the recruitment activities you engaged in using the allocation.
If you are not the careers lead at your institution, please may you forward this message to them. You can return your completed form to TLevel.DELIVERY@education.gov.uk and if you have any questions, please use the same email address.
The AoC Events and Support Brochure
Click on Events & Support Brochure for T Level & T Level Foundation Year Providers to access webinars, provider insight days and other supportive engagement opportunities being delivered by AoC as part of the support programme available for all T Level Providers.
Understanding T Levels for frontline staff
Are you a teacher or part of the learning support team responsible for delivering T Levels on the frontline?
Book your place on the upcoming Understanding T Levels for frontline staff in the post-16 sector course taking place on Wednesday 24 April, 10am – 3.30pm.
After attending this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to improve your teaching practice, in turn bolstering your learners with the skills, behaviours and competencies required to thrive as T Level students.
New CPD launched for those in T Level employer engagement roles
Find out more about a programme of support for those involved in securing T Level industry placements here.
Awarding Organisation Updates
City & Guilds:
ESP delivery window
The Employer-Set Project delivery window is now open for the following TQs:
- Onsite Construction
- Building Services Engineering
- Management and Administration
- Agriculture, Land Management and Production
For individual window dates and upload deadlines, please review the Key Date Schedules, available on the T Levels Resource Hub: https://www.cityandguilds.com/tlevels/resources#teaching-learning-and-planning-resources
Approval window now open
The approval window for providers who wish to deliver the following T Level pathways from September 2024 is now open:
- Onsite Construction
- Building Services Engineering
- Design and Development for Engineering and Manufacturing
- Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
- Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing
- Agriculture, Land Management and Production
- Animal Care and Management
Guidance documents and links to support webinar recordings are available on the T Levels Resource Hub: https://www.cityandguilds.com/tlevels/resources#approval-and-quality-assurance
Second term-time checkpoint window opening soon: At NCFE, we’re working closely with T Level providers to ensure the timely delivery of vocational technical qualifications (VTQ) results for learners in 2024 and beyond. The second term-time checkpoint window opens on Monday 15 April and the deadline for completion is Friday 3 May. You can find more details on our VTQ timely results webpage.
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