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26 October 2023 - T Level Newsletter


This week's newsletter includes updates on:

T Levels Week

This year we used T Levels Week as an opportunity to highlight T Levels as a high quality and world-class qualification. Providers, employers, stakeholders and ministers posted stories on social media using #TLevelsWeek. We had over 900 total mentions of #TLevelsWeek with over 360 unique authors on social media.

We developed a pre-recorded audio package with a case study featuring a former T Level student and an NCS careers adviser which was broadcast over 2 lunchtimes and 1 evening slot on local radio stations across England. The lunchtime slots had a potential reach of 4.8m listeners; the evening slot had a potential reach of 2.6m listeners.

Local media interviewed 2 former T Level students in local papers in Lancashire and Wiltshire. The first interview with a Cirencester student is live, you can view it here.

And Minister Halfon wrote an OpEd for FE Week setting out how the proposed new ABS will build on the backbone of T Levels. The Advanced British Standard will build on strong T levels (


Post-16 Qualifications Review Regional Provider Events

The Qualifications Review team are hosting a series of regional events which provide an overview of the vision for the post-16 qualifications system, to highlight in more detail the future options and pathways for students at levels 2 and 3, and to equip you with a better knowledge and support so to aid your planning and prepare for the changes from 2024 onwards.

The events will also provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, network with other colleges and providers and discuss the implementation of the reforms.  

We are holding two events in each city, the first day is aimed at Vice Principals/Strategic Leads and in the afternoon focuses on curriculum strategy. The second day is aimed at Curriculum Leads and the afternoon session takes a deep dive into planning for three pathways – digital, health and construction.

We still have spaces available in some regions and there is a waiting list for each event which you can join if it is full.  

Please access the following links to register:  

Vice Principals events:

Curriculum Leads events:


Help us to improve the Manage T Level Results service

We're very keen to speak with schools and colleges who have used, or will in future use, the Manage T Level Results service to gather insights on how we can continue to improve both the service and the support and guidance available to you.

If you would be interested in taking part, more information can be found here


Onsite Construction T Level – progression to full competence

Providers have mentioned challenges for students wishing to progress directly into the industry from Onsite Construction T levels, so we have been working with CITB to smooth the path.

The Onsite Construction post-T Level competency pathway has been developed for current learners and will be available to any Onsite Construction T Level learner (Carpentry & Joinery and Bricklaying) who graduate in 2024.  More information can be found here.

We want to hear from providers currently offering the Onsite Construction T Level and would like to establish two provider groups (you can be members of both):

  • Onsite Construction T Level providers: Bringing together providers to share experiences/best practice around the delivery of the Onsite Construction T Level.  This group will meet termly to inform the ongoing development of the T Level from a provider perspective.
  • Onsite Construction competency pathway: To shape the ongoing development of the competency pathway. This group will meet every half term during 2023/24 to review and provide feedback.

If you are interested in participating in either of these groups, please register here. Thank you.


TQ Core Decoupling: Reminder about changes to Core Component assessment arrangements from September 2023

Following a public consultation, Ofqual announced in August this year that students no longer need to take the exams and the Employer Set Project in the same assessment series at the first attempt. 

Students still need to take both exams in the same series, but they can, for example, take the ESP in the Summer 2024 and the exams in Autumn 2024 – or vice versa or take both in the same series as now.  Retake arrangements are unchanged, and students will need to attempt both parts of the core component (the ESP and Core exams) by the end of the course to be awarded a Core component grade.

This applies to all T Levels and each Awarding Organisation has provided further information about the changes, as follows:

City and Guilds - FAQs - T Levels | City & Guilds (

NCFE - Decoupling | NCFE

Pearson - T Levels updates | Pearson qualifications and Provider FAQs | Pearson qualifications


Connect with employers interested in T Levels 

Add the Connect with employers service to your DfE sign in account today to ensure you can view over 65 employers from across England interested in T Levels.

Find out more here.


Employer Support Fund 

Find out how the Employer Support Fund works and how to submit claims with guidance for providers available here


Help us to improve information to students about Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) so they can access high-quality post-18 courses that provide the skills employers need

We want students to make the best choices for their future. The Department of Education and our research partner Kantar Public would like your help to improve the information students receive about Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs). HTQs are a post-18 option for students, delivered at universities and colleges, that are designed to provide the skills employers need.    

We want providers of Level 3 qualifications to take part in this exciting opportunity to find out what engages your students to make informed choices, and enables them to make the best decision for their future. Taking part is easy and we will supply all the materials you will need.  

Express your interest by 31st October. 


Calling all providers that offer T Levels in construction!

DfE and Screwfix, the omnichannel retailer for the trade, are partnering to promote T Levels and increase the number of industry placements for students as part of a campaign to promote careers in the trade industry.

We hope this ambitious collaboration will enable you to tap into the network of Screwfix trade customers as a source of industry placements and help bridge the construction skills gap in the UK.

We are offering a workshop to provide you with more details about the Screwfix campaign and how you can actively participate.  Please register your interest here and secure your place at the workshop on 22nd November 2023.


Teaching T Levels: Enhancing Pedagogy 

Are you a technical or vocational teacher about to deliver T Levels?

Enhance your pedagogical and professional practice to support high quality delivery of T Levels by attending this fully funded live online course! 

It is taking place on Friday 10 November, 11am – 4pm. Book your place now.


AoC Route Specific Focus Groups

Our upcoming Route Specific Focus Groups will introduce the National Technical Outcomes (NTOs) and include provider-led breakout sessions for route specifics. This is aimed at those planning a new T Level Foundation Year route, and is best suited for Senior Leads, Curriculum Managers and Teachers.

Please find more information in the registration links below:

Route Specific Focus Groups: An Introduction to the T Level Foundation Year and NTOs

Date: Wednesday 8th November

Time: 15:30-16:30

For routes: Construction and the Built Environment / Creative and Design / Digital / Education and Early Years / Health and Science / Legal, Finance and Accounting

Date: Thursday 9th November

Time: 15:30-16:30

For routes: Agriculture, Environment and Animal / Business and Administration / Engineering and Manufacturing / Hair and Beauty / Sales, Marketing and Procurement

Kindly note these sessions are route specific. Please ensure you select the appropriate date for the route(s) you are planning.


Awarding Organisations Updates


REMINDER: The T Level Technical Qualifications provider survey is LIVE and IfATE would like to hear from you!

The T Level Technical Qualifications are approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE). IfATE monitor the performance of the Awarding Organisations delivering the TQs.

To help inform the approach towards delivering T Level Technical Qualifications, IfATE would welcome views and feedback from Wave 1, 2 and 3 Providers on the services that the Awarding Organisations provide to you.

Please click on the link below and complete the short survey. The survey is now live and will close on the 10 November 2023 at 11.59pm.

T Level Technical Qualifications Provider Survey Summer Term 2023 (

IfATE appreciate the time you have taken to complete the survey as your feedback provides valuable insight to improve the services that the Awarding Organisations provide to you.


Provider update from NCFE

Take a look at this month’s news update from NCFE which includes important information on sharing your feedback for the annual review of T Levels, registrations, mandatory training and more.


 Pearson’s October E-Bulletin was published and included the following:  

  • Registrations and Entries 
  • Q&A Networks and Training events 
  • T Level Foundation year 
  • Decoupling  

Read the October E-Bulletin 

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