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Management and Administration industry placements - induction



Pre-placement/Induction plan checklist (with examples)

This tool helps providers to: 

  • have discussions with employers to make sure they have planned a comprehensive induction for the student
  • make sure the student receives a comprehensive introduction to their placement 

This helps employers to:

  • identify the people that will be involved in the induction
  • identify any materials and resources needed
  • identify what support is available in the form of supervision, mentoring and coaching
  • be clear on how the student will be expected to perform in the workplace
  • identify any training that will be provided to help students reach the necessary standard 

This helps students to:

  • feel settled from the start of their placement
  • feel that the placement is manageable and that they have a clear plan that will embed them in the placement 

Who is it for?

Share the checklist with all staff involved in the placements. This will include: 

  • staff involved in employer engagement
  • the employer
  • T Level course leaders and tutors
Induction plan checklist (with examples)
  • to set the scene for students
  • to help the student navigate the rules and expectations of the workplace, the various relationships, protocols, values, and the policies and procedures
  • to mirror the employer’s usual induction process
  • the induction should take place before the student starts their placement – at the latest, on day one or week one of the placement
  • the provider may want to arrange a pre-induction meeting for the student so they can meet their placement supervisor and team – aspects of this can be done remotely
  • the employer, for example, the placement supervisor
  • employers may have an HR team, learning and development team or site manager that can help plan the induction
  • providers can make sure that a student’s relative inexperience and potential vulnerability are considered
  • induction plan checklist
  • specific e-learning courses
  • a team meeting
  • organising job shadowing to help the student get to know the team
  • specific staff, such as the health and safety manager or data protection officer, could be asked to talk to the student about their roles
  • a daily work schedule for the upcoming few weeks
  • working hours and patterns, start and finish times, hybrid working if required, and breaks
  • the employer’s policies for mobile phone and social media use, uniform and dress codes, sickness and absence procedures, wellbeing support and how to respond to bullying or inappropriate behaviour – this could be in the form of a new starter handbook
  • health, safety and wellbeing at work, through an e-learning course or handbook
  • safeguarding policies about remote working, processes, reporting arrangements and mandatory training
  • information about the premises delivered during a tour of the building, including main access points for entering the building, the layout, emergency exits, toilets, changing rooms and lockers, kitchens, rest rooms and storerooms
  • information and governance processes delivered through online training or handbook, including, security procedures, confidentiality and privacy (GDPR)
  • remuneration, including travel allowances and car parking, placement payments and discounts, lunch arrangements, for example, is there a canteen
  • values, behaviours and expectations
  • medication/storage of medication
  • prayer facilities
  • emergency contact details – give the student a business card/contact details
  • industry placement agreement
  • process for making up missed placement hours
  • what the student must do in case of sickness/domestic emergencies
  • DBS status (if appropriate)
  • health and safety officer contact details
  • safeguarding protocols for remote working
  • emergency evacuation procedures, for example, fire safety
  • risk assessment
  • prohibited areas/activities
  • safety equipment
  • hygiene standards
  • first aid and mental health first aider (MHFA)
  • accident reporting
  • manual handling
  • appropriate workwear/PPE
  • explain how supervision will take place and how often
  • lead the student on their learning journey
  • explain the core business and how the student’s role fits into the organisation
  • explains how to approach colleagues and customers
  • explain where and when to take a break
  • help the student develop their skills and confidence
  • monitor the student’s performance and check learning objectives and goals are being met
  • help the student navigate new experiences and emotions and cope with the workplace environment
  • share first-hand knowledge and experience
  • support the student’s learning and discuss future career opportunities, for example, the recruitment and selection process for jobs

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