15 December 2022 - T Level Newsletter
This week's newsletter includes updates on:
- Specialist Equipment Allocation: Monitoring Form B due 27 January 2023
- Wave 4 Specialist Equipment Allocation
- Webinar now available on the T Level capital fund
- Update on provider requests to deliver TLTP ahead of T Levels
- T Level Transition Programme Webinar - Delivery and Assessment
- TLTP Development of new marketing national technical outcomes
- Awarding Organisation updates
Specialist Equipment Allocation: Monitoring Form B due 27 January 2023
This is a reminder to all providers who received SEA funding as part of Wave 3, the deadline for returning the Monitoring Form B is Friday 27 January.
It is important that this form is returned to us, so that we can confirm that your use of the allocation is compliant with the regulations set out in the T Level Capital Fund Guidance and your grant offer letter. If the equipment you have purchased is significantly different to the equipment you listed in the Monitoring Form A, you will need to provide the details of all the equipment purchased. Completing the form is a condition of funding set out in your grant offer letter.
The form can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact routesreadiness.te@education.gov.uk.
Wave 4 Specialist Equipment Allocation
Providers delivering T Level routes for the first time in academic year 2023 to 2024 are eligible for Wave 4 Specialist Equipment Allocation funding.
We will allocate funding based on the forecast student numbers you provided in the October 2022 T Level data collection. Eligible providers will receive a grant offer letter in early 2023 setting out the total allocation split by route and the terms of the grant.
Information about the Specialist Equipment Allocation can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact routesreadiness.te@education.gov.uk.
Webinar now available on the T Level capital fund
We recently held a webinar on the T Level capital fund for Wave 5, and how providers can apply for the Buildings and Facilities Improvement Grant. A recording of the session can be found here for those who are interested in applying for capital funding - T Level Capital Wave 5 Webinar - YouTube. Full guidance about the fund can be found here - T Levels capital fund - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Applications close at noon on 3rd February 2023.
Update on provider requests to deliver T Level Transition Programmes (TLTP) ahead of T Levels
We expect delivery of TLTP to begin at the same time as, or later than, you start to deliver T Levels in a specified route. To note, you should not deliver TLTP in routes for which you are not yet delivering T Levels. This is because we are still in the early stages of delivery of the programme and it is important, not only that your TLTP is shaped by your experience of developing and delivering T Levels, but also that students have a T Level available to progress to.
Some of you have asked if you can start to deliver TLTP in advance of the T Levels. We’ve considered this request and have decided to allow delivery of TLTP ahead of T Levels providing certain conditions are met. In order to deliver TLTP in advance of the T Level you should:
- already have some experience of TLTP delivery (currently this applies to Round 1, 2 and 3 TLTP providers);
- intend to deliver T Levels in the TLTP route the following year – so that students have a relevant T Level to progress onto;
- correctly record relevant students as being on TLTP on the ILR and School Census;
- inform your AoC adviser of your plans to deliver TLTP early and of the routes you intend to deliver them in.
We strongly recommend that you also:
- access Technical Focus Group (TFG) support for the new routes you are developing – you can find the details of these here, and
- cascade the learning from the TFGs and wider support across your organisation as part of fostering a whole institution approach to the TLTP
If you have any questions, please speak to your dedicated AoC adviser in the first instance.
T Level Transition Programme Webinar - Delivery and Assessment
This Webinar is for staff managing the delivery of the T Level Transition Programme for Round 3 Providers (those who started delivering a TLTP in Sept 2022) and will include an opportunity to discuss delivery and assessment of the route-based project on the T Level Transition Programme and hear about best practice from other providers.
This event will be Tuesday 17th of January 2023, 15:30 - 16:30.
You can register for this event by clicking on this link.
T Level Transition Programme: Development of new marketing national technical outcomes
Thank you to those who have registered to commit their time to support this work. We have received a strong response to our invitation to participate in the development of the T Level Transition Programme’s new marketing national technical outcomes for future programmes in the Sales, Marketing and Procurement route. This is an important role in which the contributions of our education and industry experts are highly valued in ensuring a quality product is delivered for our young people.
We will be sending out calendar invitations, including dial-in and materials for:
Session 1 Thursday 19 January 2023 @ 3:00-5:30pm
Session 2 Monday 6 February 2023 @ 3:00-5:30pm
We would like to ensure all those who have expressed an interest in participating have opportunity to contribute and are offering additional dates. Please register your interest to get involved and input your views, via the online feedback form for the following dates:
Monday 27th February 2023 @ 3:00-5:30pm
Tuesday 28th February 2023 @ 3:00-5:30pm
We look forward to working with you in the New Year!
If you have a question, please email the team TLevelTransition.PROGRAMME@education.gov.uk.
Awarding Organisation updates
City & Guilds:
T Levels approvals and support webinars
City & Guilds will be hosting two provider approval webinars. These webinars are for those involved in the planning and delivery of T Levels from September 2023. If you intend to apply for a T Level qualification, City &Guilds strongly recommend you attend the approval webinars.
12 January 2023 | 10.00-11.00 GTM
This webinar will cover topics including resources available, the approval timeline and routes to approval.
16 February 2023 | 10.00-11.00 GTM
This webinar will take a step-by-step look at the approval process, cover how to upload evidence and the possible approval outcomes.
Register for these events here: Events and webinars - T Levels | City & Guilds (cityandguilds.com)
The approval window for eligible providers opens on Monday 27 February 2023, ready for first teaching in September 2023.
Support events for in-delivery and pre-delivery providers
City & Guilds will be running support events for both in-delivery and pre-delivery providers in January. You can see a full list of events on the website: Resource Hub - T Levels | City & Guilds (cityandguilds.com)
Pearson’s December E-Bulletin was published and included the following:
- Q&A Networks and Training events
- Registrations and Entries
- Managing absences and assessment opportunities
Last updated: