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03 November 2022 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

Ofsted publishes interim report on T Levels and the T Level Transition Programme

On Monday 24 October, Ofsted published the interim report of their review of the first T Level and the T Level Transition Programmes. Click here to see some of the main points of best practice seen by Ofsted, as well as the ways in which the Department for Education will be addressing the areas for improvement that were identified.


DfE publishes government response to the consultation on Post-16 Level 2 and below qualifications

On Tuesday 18 October we published our response to the consultation we launched in March about a range of reforms to Post-16 Level 2 and below qualifications

This forms part of our wider review of qualifications alongside the implementation of T Levels.  Our response set out that we intend to streamline the more than 4,000 Level 2 and below qualifications currently available by simplifying the system so that young people and adults have a clearer choice.  Students and employers have confidence that every qualification will be high-quality and lead to good outcomes and aligning level 2 technical qualifications with employer led occupational standards.


Events and support brochure for T level and T level transition programme providers

On behalf of the Department for Education, the Association of Colleges (AoC) are delivering a comprehensive and exciting programme of support and events for providers delivering T Level and T Level Transition Programmes.

This brochure sets out the core programme of advisor support and events provided for your organisation. The support and events have been designed to cover various provider types, with the events colour coded so you can see immediately which event is for you. It includes a calendar of all events for this academic year, plus booking links.

Support is provided by AoC’s expert team of Advisers, who have a wide range of experience and expertise from across the education and skills sector, including directly delivering programmes in schools and further education institutions. Support and events are carefully planned to ensure you will receive expert input, the most current policy updates and networking opportunities.

The Department for Education strongly recommends that all providers make full use of this event and support programme. For more information about the support and events available, please email or


T level transition programme national learning event for round 3 and round 4 TLTP providers – Tuesday, 22nd November

This event on How to Make Your T Level Transition Programme a Success is taking place from 09.30 – 16.00 at Etc Venues St Pauls, 200 Aldersgate, London EC1A 4HD.

The event is for members of Senior Management Teams involved at strategic level in planning for delivery of their T Level Transition Programme (TLTP) e.g., Vice/Asst Principals, Directors, Curriculum Heads/Leaders. It will support attendees to develop a strategic vision and plan for your TLTP and identify strategies to assess the effectiveness of your programme delivery.

Book here to reserve your place.


FE Workforce data collection reminder

The 21/22 FE workforce data collection is still open for returns. Please remember that this is mandatory for all providers in scope, and the collection closes on the 25th of November.

To access the staff, vacancy and governor collections, use the Submit learner data sign in process:

If you require an account, please follow this guidance: How to register for an IDAMS account - GOV.UK (

We will be publishing outcomes in Spring 2023, for the benefit of providers and key stakeholders, such as Ofsted and sector representatives.

We have also released guidance documents for the collections to support staff who are completing the collections. You can find them here:

Further education workforce data collection - GOV.UK (


IfATE launches new TQ student forum

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) has created a new forum to represent students following a technical qualification (TQ). The TQ student forum will play an important role in helping IfATE to understand and take account of the TQ student experience in its work.

This is a great opportunity for TQ students to share their feedback, represent TQ student views in meetings with employers, government ministers and IfATE’s board, and take part in activities to promote the benefits of technical education. The forum will meet virtually for up to an hour around four times a year.

With the recruitment process now in full swing, IfATE have signed up current and graduate students, but are still keen to grow our membership. IfATE are on the lookout for great students to join our forum.

If your college or school would like to nominate someone or find out more about the forum, please email Sophie Hicks at:


Awarding Organisations Updates


Autumn series support webinar

City & Guilds recently hosted a support webinar for providers who are booking learners onto the autumn series of assessments for Onsite Construction and Building Services Engineering. The recording of this webinar and the slides are available on the website: Events and webinars - T Levels | City & Guilds (

Introduction to T Levels webinars

The recordings and slides for the Introduction to T Levels webinars are also available online on the events page: Events and webinars - T Levels | City & Guilds (

Occupation Specialisms booking window

The Occupational Specialisms summer 2023 assessment booking window is now open for Onsite Construction and Building Services Engineering. Bookings can be made via Walled Garden and close on 16 December 2022.

Website navigation video

C&G Technical Advisors, Dom Green and Alison Whittle, have put together a handy website navigation video. This video, for both new and existing providers, gives you a tour round the website to locate all the different resources and the information that C&G have available for you. This can be found on the Resource Hub:


Consultation on new specialism for the Animal Care and Management T Level

IfATE  are currently consulting on draft outline content for a new Occupational Specialism in Science for the Animal Care and Management T Level. IfATE are welcoming views from providers, employers and sector experts to ensure that the outline content contains the knowledge and skills required by students for progression routes into employment or higher education. .

As T Level providers, IfATE invite you to review the draft outline content and to complete the survey by midnight on Monday 14th November. The consultation can be found here


Pearson’s October E-Bulletin was published and included the following: 

  • Q&A Networks and Training events  
  • Registrations and entries  
  • ResultsPlus  

Read the October E-Bulletin


T Level Technical Qualification in Catering – Draft TQ Specification

Highfield have released the draft TQ Specification to all Providers eligible to deliver the Catering T Level programme from 2023. There is still opportunity to request access to this by emailing us directly on

Highfield value your opinion, so please do feel free get in touch on the email address above if you have any feedback on the draft TQ Specification.



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