9 June 2022 - T Levels Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:


DfE/AoC T Level and T Level Transition Programme Conference 2022

This best practice sharing event is for Colleges, Schools and training providers only who are delivering, or plan to deliver, T Levels and the T Level Transition Programme. It is an excellent opportunity for those responsible for the planning, implementation and delivery of T Levels and the T Level Transition Programme (TLTP) to learn from current T Level providers and discuss and share solutions to the common challenges they are facing.

The conference takes place over two mornings and will cover a range of topics, including:

  • Industry placements – employer engagement, safeguarding and risk management
  • Marketing, CEIAG and progression into HE
  • Curriculum planning, timetabling and assessment
  • English and Maths in the TLTP
  • Initial and diagnostic assessment
  • The new TLTP Framework for Delivery – are you ready for September 2022?

There are two free places for each T Level and TLTP provider. To register for the events, go to the AoC website at AoC/DfE T Level and T Level Transition… | Association of Colleges.

If you have any queries about these events, email AoC at events@aoc.co.uk.


Specialist Equipment Allocation: Monitoring Form A due 24 June 2022

This is a reminder to all providers who received SEA funding as part of Wave 3, the deadline for returning the Monitoring Form A is the 24 June. It is important that this form is returned to us, so that we can review the equipment you are planning purchase using the allocation. The form can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact routesreadiness.te@education.gov.uk.


Thank you! T Level Transition Programme online review of proposed national technical outcomes in the subject areas aligned to wave 4 T Levels in Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care, Catering and Hospitality, Creative and Design and Hair and Beauty.

A big thank you to all involved in the on-line review sessions. Your personal contributions and constructive discussion is highly valued. Having the benefit of provider and subject expert perspectives, is vital in providing a unique understanding of the delivery opportunities and challenges and the extent to which the content could be used as the basis of future qualifications that support progression to T Levels.

It has been great to hear that the sessions were interesting and that there has been value in “getting together with a group of like-minded people with a passion for our young people and industries!”.

This is a real opportunity to shape the content that will be taught in classrooms from 2023. We look forward to staying in touch as we continue to progress the work in light of your feedback.

If you have further reflections, please contact the team on TLevelTransition.PROGRAMME@education.gov.uk.


Research published on the first year of the T Level Transition Programme

On 26 May, the Department for Education published two research reports containing findings from the first year of the T Level Transition Programme (academic year 2020 to 2021). These reports contain a wealth of provider and student perspectives on how the first year went, which will be of interest to providers designing and implementing their own T Level Transition Programmes. The Department has produced some slides for providers, pulling out six lessons from the research on what providers thought worked well, examples of practice, and a selection of findings on what students thought about the programme.

The findings can be found here.


Are you a technical teacher or trainer either currently delivering or planning to deliver the technical content of the T Level Transition Programme?

Review and reflect on your planning/delivery and prepare for 2022/23 delivery with route specialist peers nationally at one of our fully funded, route specialist North/South regional conferences.

South Conference 14th June 2022, 9:30am-4:00pm at Westminster Kingsway College; North Conference 16th June 2022, 9:30am-4:00pm at City of Liverpool College.

Please secure your place by emailing your name, attendees representing your organisation, their route specialisms, and any dietary requirements to  transition.programme@aoc.co.uk   


T Level Transition Programme - Strategic round table meeting for Round 1 and Round 2 T Level Transition Programme Providers – 1st July 2022

The focus of this event is on “destination for students from the T Level Transition Programme and is a great opportunity for Round 1 and Round 2 Providers to feedback to DfE your thoughts and feedback on the T Level Transition Programme (TLTP), and to raise any questions asking you may have with your T Level and TLTP peers.

The event will take place Friday 1st July 2022, at 1.00 pm, and will last approximately 90 minutes. To register in advance for this meeting , click this link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We look forward to meeting you there. If you have any queries regarding the webinar, don't hesitate to get in touch with the AoC at tlevelsupport@aoc.co.uk


2022 Tech Ed Learner Survey

NatCen, on behalf of DfE, is running the 2022 Tech Ed Learner Survey. From 23rd June, T Level and Transition Programme students will be invited to participate online via a letter sent to their home address. Students will also be given the option to participate over the phone. Completing the survey will take approximately 15 minutes. The survey will close in August, and the findings from it will be used to evaluate the long-term success of these programmes. Findings from last year’s survey are published on Gov.uk.


May 2022 T Level data collection – for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 providers

We issued the May 2022 data collection on 16 May 2022 which will be open until Friday 10 June.

It is important to complete this return as the data collected will be used to inform capital funding eligibility, calculate T Level capital specialist equipment funding, and used to update the T Level Provider List, which will be refreshed in September 2022.

If you have any queries related to completing the data return, please email TLDC.ENQUIRIES@education.gov.uk.


Recruitment Progress Pulse Survey

Thank you to the 2020, 2021 and 2022 T Level providers who completed the May Recruitment Progress survey. The information will be shared with Ministers and Secretary of State to indicate T Level progress in the 2022 academic year.

The final recruitment progress survey will open on the 27 June; the Head of org and T Level leads will receive the survey opening email on the 27 June.


Information: Further Education (FE) Workforce data collection 

Last year we launched the FE Workforce data collection to: 

  • provide a better understanding of the implications of government policy reforms and their impact on the composition of staff and their specialisms, for example the impact of the introduction of T Levels 
  • provide a greater understanding of pay in the sector, such as the impact of pay on staff recruitment, gender pay gap, underfunding in the sector compared with other education sectors 
  • reveal skills gaps in the sector and model skills gaps and their impacts.

In its first year, participation in the collection was voluntary, but from September 2022, submitting a return is mandatory for all eligible providers. This collection will allow us to build reliable data sets to help design effective and impactful policy to support the sector going forwards.

We will be publishing outcomes in Spring 2023, for the benefit of providers and key stakeholders, such as Ofsted and sector representatives.

The FE Workforce data collection for the 2021 to 2022 academic year will open on 12 September 2022 and will close on 25 November 2022.

There are a few changes for this year:

  • We will collect a Sub Role under the existing Senior Leader, Manager, Teacher, Support and Administration Roles for each staff member
  • A new data item to capture whether the staff member had a pay rise during the 2021 to 2022 academic year.
  • A new data item to capture whether the staff member has benefitted from participating in DfE programmes during the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

Revised documents have been published on GOV.UK:

  • FE workforce staff record specification 2021 to 2022
  • Schema for the FE workforce data collection
  • Example of staff data

Other documents that require updating will be published later.


Awarding Organisations Updates


Are you looking to recruit students for the T Level in Catering in readiness for September 2023?

If you’d like to know more about the T Level Technical Qualification in Catering and the supporting resources that will be available, then get in touch with Highfield today. The T Levels team are always happy to help and will support and guide you to ensure you’re fully prepared for delivery of this new and exciting qualification.

You can also contribute to the qualification and development process to ensure their approach is practicable, in line with current teaching practices and meets expected industry standards.

Visit their website to find out more. Get in touch today on 01302 363277 or email your question to tlevels@highfield.co.uk



Pearson’s May E-Bulletin was published and included the following: 

  • Q&A Networks and Training events
  • Fees for 2022-23
  • Provider Approval and Provider Monitoring
  • Draft Key dates Schedule 2022-24

Read the May E-Bulletin 


Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE)

T Level Technical Qualifications Provider Survey: Spring 2021/ 2022

We would like to hear from you

Your feedback gives us valuable insight to improve the services that the Awarding Organisations provide to you.

The T Level Technical Qualifications are approved and managed by IfATE. We monitor the performance of the Awarding Organisations delivering the TQs via termly surveys.

To help inform the approach towards delivering world-class technical education, we would welcome views and feedback from Wave 1 and Wave 2 Providers on the services that Awarding Organisations provide to you.

Please click on this link to complete our short survey. The survey will open on the 9 June 2022 and close on 8 July 2022.




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