What is the T Level Foundation Year?

The T Level Foundation Year is a new type of study programme, specifically designed to develop the skills, experience, knowledge and behaviours to support progression onto, and success on, a T Level. 

It provides a high-quality route onto T Levels for students who would like to do a T Level but would benefit from the additional study time and preparation that it will give them before they start their T Level.

Who is the T Level Foundation Year for?

The aim of the T Level Foundation Year is to prepare students to progress onto and succeed on their chosen T Level. 

The core target group are students who would benefit from the additional study time and preparation the programme will give them before they start their T Level.

They may be students who need further support to address barriers to accessing a T Level – for example due to prior attainment, pastoral issues or personal development needs – or need more time to develop their English and/or maths skills.

It is available to students aged 16 to 19 and for young people with Education, Health and Care Plans up to age 24.

How long is the T Level Foundation Year?

The T Level Foundation Year should be delivered as full or part time study. In most instances, it will be a full-time study programme lasting up to one standard academic year.

Find out more about the T Level Foundation Year

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