12 May 2022 - T Levels Newsletter
This week's newsletter includes updates on:
- Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below - withdrawal of funding approval for qualifications which overlap with waves 1 and 2 T Levels
- Manage T Level Results service webinar
- Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)
- T Level Transition Programme - Webinar for providers considering delivering the T Level Transition Programme for the first time from September 2023
- T Level Data Collection
- Recruitment Progress Pulse Survey collection
- Education and Training Foundation (ETF) Update
- Awarding Organisations Updates
Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below - withdrawal of funding approval for qualifications which overlap with waves 1 and 2 T Levels
We would like to take this opportunity to let providers know that we have published the provisional list of level 3 qualifications which overlap with waves 1 and 2 T Levels.
As we indicated in in the second stage consultation of the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below, we intend to remove funding approval for 16 to 19 year olds from qualifications that overlap with T Levels. For those that overlap with wave 1 and 2 T Levels, this will be from 1 August 2024, unless a qualification is subject to a successful appeal.
The process we used to identify overlapping qualifications is rigorous and has been led by evidence e.g. qualification specifications. We commissioned independent assessors to conduct in depth evaluations of the qualifications in scope. All qualifications placed on the provisional overlap list were carefully assessed and considered against three tests:
- Is it a technical qualification, in that it primarily aims to support entry to employment in a specific occupational area(s)?
- Are the outcomes that must be attained by a person taking the qualification similar to those set out in a standard covered by a T Level?
- Does the qualification aim to support entry to the same occupation(s) as a T Level?
Only qualifications which met all 3 tests are included on the provisional list.
We have contacted the awarding organisations impacted directly - to confirm their qualifications are in scope for the removal of funding approval and to inform them of the appeal process.
We have given impacted awarding organisations until 8 July 2022 to submit an appeal. We will communicate appeal outcomes and publish the final post-appeal list of overlapping qualifications in September 2022.
This will give providers delivering these qualifications approximately two years to adjust to the removal of funding approval and to develop their T Level offer. We are writing to providers to tell them how it can support them to do this.
You can find the details of the qualifications impacted and timelines for the appeals process on GOV.UK.
Please note that we will only accept appeals from awarding organisations.
DFE funding approval for these qualifications for adults will continue, although these qualifications will need to meet new criteria for approval from 1 August 2025. DfE has published guidance today which sets out the future approval process at a high level, and final criteria will be published in Autumn 2022.
You can continue to access support material on the T Levels support for schools and colleges website. Here you can find the latest news and events, as well as guidance, resources and case studies capturing best practice from a range of providers.
Manage T Level Results service webinar
The Manage T Level results service collects T Level component results data to calculate overall results and enable the issue of certificates. T Level providers must provide input to the service in order that student results can be calculated, and certificates issued.
On 25 May we will be hosting a webinar to present an overview of requirements from providers, including reporting student completion of industry placements, to support the timely issue of results and certificates.
The webinar will include a brief demonstration of the service and new features which will launch at the end of May. There will also be an opportunity to raise questions at the end of the session.
To register for this session, please complete this form.
Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)
The first HTQs will be delivered in digital from this September, providing a progression route for T Level graduates. You can find out more about these reforms here, and you can also keep up with all the latest updates on the delivery of HTQs through the DfE HTQs newsletter.
The latest edition of the newsletter will be published later this month. If you’re not already receiving it, please email team.highertechnicaleducation@education.gov.uk to be added to the mailing list.
T Level Transition Programme - Webinar for providers considering delivering the T Level Transition Programme for the first time from September 2023
The Association of Colleges (AoC) are delivering a webinar for providers who are considering delivering the T Level Transition Programme for the first time from September 2023. The webinar will take place on Tuesday 24th May 2022, from 4 pm to 5 pm, and will be repeated on Thursday, 26th May, from 3 pm to 4 pm.
The purpose of the event is to help providers to decide whether to sign up to deliver the T Level Transition Programme from 2023 and introduce them to the T Level Transition Programme Framework for Delivery and the set expectations of participation in the support programme.
The event is only for Senior leaders from 2023 T Level providers and 2020, 2021, 2022 T Level providers currently not signed up to deliver the T Level Transition Programme who will be responsible for making the decision on whether to sign up to participate in the T Level Transition Programme, and Curriculum leads or Head of Departments for the T Level Routes you plan to deliver.
AoC have sent invites to all providers eligible to attend these events. If you have not yet received an invite, please contact the AoC at tlevelsupport@aoc.co.uk.
Please Note: these events are not to be confused with the ‘T Level Transition Programme online review of proposed national technical outcomes for future programmes relating to wave 4 T Levels’ focus group sessions being held on the 24th and 26th of May.
T Level Data Collection
As most of our T Level providers will be aware, we generally collect data twice yearly (mid-May and mid-October) on plans for T Level delivery. The planned May data collection has been pushed back due to an issue with the development of the digital form, but will be sent out to all 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 T Level providers week commencing 16 May and the return date will be 10 June.
This is an essential collection for our planning. It is also the last opportunity for providers to add new T Level delivery routes for 2023. This form will also allow providers to tell us about delivery plans for 2024 and the data will be used to determine eligibility for the next round of T Level Capital Funding and for calculating the likely budget needed for Specialist Equipment Funding.
The October data collection will be used to determine the T Level revenue funding for 2023, which will be included in providers’ main 16-19 funding allocation in March 2023. It will also be used to calculate final T Level Specialist Equipment Funding allocations for 2023 delivery.
If you have any questions while completing this data collection, then you can contact us at: TLDC.ENQUIRIES@education.gov.uk.
Recruitment Progress Pulse Survey collection
Thank you to the 2020, 2021 and 2022 T Level providers who completed the April Recruitment Progress survey. The information will be shared with Ministers and Secretary of State to indicate T Level progress in the 2022 academic year.
The next survey will open on the 23 May; the Head of org and T Level leads will receive the survey opening email on the 23 May
Education and Training Foundation (ETF) Update
Are you T Level ready?
The ETF’s T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offer is suitable for everyone involved in leading, managing or delivering T Levels.
Our new film highlights how providers can make the most of the ETF’s T Level Professional Development Platform (PDP).
The PDP provides a one-stop shop for accessing all elements of the TLPD offer, which will help you:
- understand T Levels and how they affect your role
- save time in your preparations
- gain necessary skills and knowledge
- make the most of the DfE-funded opportunities
Once you have created a PDP account, you will be prompted to complete a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which will inform a professional development plan.
Watch our film to find out more and kickstart your T Level journey today.
Awarding Organisations Updates
Get involved and help to shape the T Level Technical Qualification in Catering
Highfield are committed to ensuring that consultation is at the very heart of the design and development of the technical qualification. Your opinion matters and Highfield invite you to get involved and share your ideas to help shape this exciting new qualification.
To register your interest in joining their Provider forum or to subscribe to future newsletters then please email tlevels@highfield.co.uk or visit for more information.
Supporting your T Level delivery
NCFE is committed to helping providers deliver the best possible outcomes for students and have developed a suite of essential and additional material to support your delivery of NCFE supplied T Level Technical Qualifications.
You can see a full breakdown of the essential and additional materials available to support each NCFE-developed T Level technical qualification here.
Pearson’s April E-Bulletin was published and included the following:
- Q&A Networks and Training events
- Entries for the Summer Series
- Provider Approval and Provider Monitoring
- Draft Key dates Schedule 2022-24
City & Guilds
City & Guilds is hosting several webinars and MS Teams events to support Eligible Providers currently delivering their Onsite and BSE Technical Qualifications (TQs) and those planning to teach any of their TQs from September 2022.
For more information or how to sign up, please, visit their dedicated T Level events and webinar webpage.
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