3 February 2022 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

Specialist Equipment Allocation

This is a reminder to all providers who received SEA funding as part of Wave 2, the deadline for returning the Monitoring Form B was the 28 January. If you have not yet returned the form, please can you do this as soon as possible. The form can be found here. If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact routesreadiness.te@education.gov.uk.

Providers who are delivering a T Level route for the time in September 2022 should have received a grant letter with the details of their Specialist Equipment Allocation. If you have not received this letter, please contact routesreadiness.te@education.gov.uk


Get the Jump Campaign

We are delighted to share with you the launch of the Get the Jump campaign, which brings together, for the first time, all education and training choices for young people to help them get the skills for life, signposting them to new pages on the National Careers Service.

T Levels will be featured heavily as an exciting new option for young people, and we hope you find the below resources helpful as you continue to promote T Levels to young people in your area. Please note that the previous T Level campaign materials and toolkit are still there for you to use in addition. The new campaign features the T Level brand to give the read across from the umbrella activity to specific T Level promotion.

‘Get the Jump’ is now running across England with advertising including: out-of-home posters (including at bus stops), radio, digital audio (including podcasts), online video, social media and search engines. The campaign will also include a paid partnership with Snapchat, PR including influencer activity, regional media and a new ‘Get the Jump’ content hub  available on the National Careers Service website

The ‘Get the Jump toolkit and assets are available to help you promote T Levels alongside other post 16 choices. Assets include:

  • ‘Get the Jump’ radio adverts, including a T Level specific advert
  • Films
  • Social media assets (statics and GIFs)
  • Posters (portrait and landscape)
  • Templates for social media, websites and newsletters
  • Information and guidance about the brand, including logos to download
  • Key messages and guidance on tone of voice, to support you when drafting your own copy or to use as they appear. These have been developed using insights and feedback from young people.

If you have questions or would like to get in touch about prospective case studies, please contact the campaign leads at GetTheJump.stakeholders@education.gov.uk.


T Level Technical Qualifications: Autumn 2021/ 2022 Provider Survey- Closing date extended to: 11 February 2022

This is a final reminder that the Provider Survey will close on 11 February 2022. The survey is to help inform the approach towards delivering world-class technical education, we would welcome views and feedback from Wave 1 and Wave 2 Providers on the services that Awarding Organisations provide to you.

Please click on the link below to complete our short survey. https://www.cognitoforms.com/InstituteForApprenticeships1/TLevelTechnicalQualificationsAutumn20212022ProviderSurvey2


Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Updates

The Institute has made the decision to pause the development of the Habitat management (land and water) Occupational Specialism within the T Level in Agriculture, Land Management and Production. This will enable the Institute to further engage with sector and employer representatives to assess whether there is sufficient evidence to support the continued inclusion of the specialisms and ensure that the content and structure of the qualification provides students with progression opportunities to relevant occupations. If there is sufficient evidence to support the development of the specialism then it will be restarted at a later date.


Awarding Organisations Updates


From 28 February eligible providers will be able to request approval to deliver the below NCFE-developed T Level Technical Qualifications from September 2022:  

Guidance for providers on NCFE’s provider and product approval processes can be found on the support pages. Alternatively, providers can contact their dedicated T Level account executive for support. 

City & Guilds

Join City & Guilds' Provider webinar series in February and March

Over the coming weeks, City & Guilds will be hosting a number of webinars to support Providers who are currently in delivery or planning to deliver T Level in Onsite and BSE for Construction, Engineering and Management technical qualifications.

For more information or to sign up, visit their dedicated T Level events and webinar webpage .


Pearson’s January E-Bulletin was published and included the following: 

  • Legal Services announcement
  • Q&A Networks and Training events for the Spring term
  • Key Dates Schedule 2021 – 2023
  • Registrations and Entries
  • 2022 Provider Approval window

Read the 18 January Bulletin 

They also sent separate comms to let Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction Providers know of a change they’re making to the Occupational Specialist Project assessment window for Summer 2022.  

To ensure students have equal access to the assessment and there is comparability across all Providers they have moved the window back by a full week, so assessment will now commence on Monday 25th April 2022.  

This has been reflected in our Construction Key Dates Schedule


Support Highfield to ensure the T Level Technical Qualification in Catering is appropriate for SEND learners

Highfield are forming a panel to ensure that all the requirements of SEND students have been taken into consideration to help improve accessibility. This group will feed into the assessment design to ensure accessibility and achievability of the multiple assessment types.

Are you a SEND Co-ordinator and interested in being involved? If so, we’d love to hear from you.  Please contact us at tlevels@highfield.co.uk

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