7 January 2022 - T Level Newsletter
This week's newsletter includes updates on:
- T Levels - Wave 4 Capital Webinars
T Level Transition Programme: publication of revised Framework for Delivery
- T Level Provider List
T Level Technical Qualifications Autumn 2021/2022 Provider Survey
- Updates from the awarding organisations
T Levels - Wave 4 Capital Webinars
In December, we emailed providers to inform you about the launch of the next round of Capital Funding. The window for applications for Wave 4 of the Buildings and Facilities Improvement Grant is now open and is aimed at providers who will be delivering T Levels in September 2023.
The deadline for applications is noon on Friday 11 March. Full guidance and information on how to apply has now been published here.
To support you through the application process, we will be running two webinars:
Webinar 1 is being held from 3:30pm to 4:15pm on Tuesday 11 January and will serve as an introduction to the T Level Capital Fund and explain how to apply for a Buildings and Facilities Improvement Grant. To sign up, please complete this form. Many thanks to those of you who have already registered.
Webinar 2 is being held from 10am to 11:45am on Wednesday 26 January, and will have a more technical focus, covering the details of a successful application. To sign up, please complete this form.
T Level Transition Programme: publication of revised Framework for Delivery
We have published the revised Framework for Delivery for providers delivering the T Level Transition Programme from September 2022 onwards. Alongside the Framework, we have published national technical outcomes for the first 7 T Level routes, a student guide and resources to help providers develop their programmes. If you have any questions about the changes, please contact your AoC relationship manager in the first instance.
T Level Provider List
The T Level provider list was recently updated on GOV.UK. This document contains a list of providers who will be delivering T Levels from the 2021 to 2022, 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024 academic years, the T Level routes they intend to deliver and the providers delivering the Transition Programme in the 2021 to 2022 and 2022 to 2023 academic years.
The list will next be updated in summer 2022 to show providers’ latest T Level delivery plans. This will include any changes made since the December update and information provided in the May T Level data collection.
T Level Technical Qualifications Autumn 2021/2022 Provider Survey
The T Level Technical Qualifications (TQs) are approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. We monitor the performance of the Awarding Organisations delivering the TQs via termly surveys.
To help inform the approach towards delivering world-class technical education, we would welcome views and feedback from providers who began delivery of T Levels in 2020 and 2021 on the services that Awarding Organisations provide to you.
Please use this link to complete our short survey. The survey will open on the Monday 10 January 2022 and close on Friday 4 February 2022. Thank you.
Awarding organisation updates
City & Guilds
City & Guilds is delighted to share the final approved Wave 3 TQ Specifications.
Engineering - Maintenance, Installation and Repair - Specification
Engineering - Manufacturing, Processing and Control - Specification
Engineering - Design and Development - Specification
Business and Administration - Management and Administration - Specification
If you're planning to deliver any of the above TQs, please visit their dedicated Events webpage for all upcoming webinars.
Pearson are pleased to share the approved Specifications for the T Level Technical Qualifications in Finance and Accounting. They are available on our website on the following pages under the Course Materials section:
Further support and Specimen Assessment Materials will follow, as will webinars to support you with these new qualifications. We welcome your feedback and look forward to you being able to deliver these qualifications.
NCFE recently updated its T Level support webinars schedule with links to webinars running throughout 2022. Is it important that you register your place on any relevant upcoming events as this will ensure you have all of the information and guidance you need for your delivery.
The updated schedule also includes links to recordings of previous sessions you might have missed. Please review the change log on the final page of the document to see which session links have been added to the plan.
NCFE T Level provider webinars
Highfield is looking to work with training providers with expertise in catering teaching/assessment to support the development of the T Level Technical Qualification in Catering. By contributing to the qualification and development process, you can ensure their approach is practicable, in line with current teaching practices and meets expected industry standards.
To express your interest in being involved with the future of FE for the catering sector, email Highfield at tlevels@highfield.co.uk.
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