15 December 2021 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

T Levels English and maths requirements

In response to feedback from providers and the wider FE sector, the Secretary of State for Education announced on Monday 15th November  that the requirement for all T Level students to achieve either a grade 4 in English and maths GCSE or level 2 in functional skills in order to pass their T Level would be removed with immediate effect. This change applies to all T Level students - those who have already begun their courses and those who have yet to begin. Maths and English attainment will remain of central importance to T Levels and will still be referenced on the T Level certificates.

The Condition of Funding will apply to T Level students starting from academic year 2022/23, as it does for students on other level 3 post 16 programmes, including A Levels. Students with a grade 3 GCSE will be required to work towards attainment of Grade 4 GCSE and students with a Grade 2 or below can choose to study a Functional Skills qualification, or GCSE. More information on the Condition of Funding is available here.

The Condition of Funding will not apply to students who started T Levels in the academic years 2020/2021 or 2021/22 and who are currently studying maths and English under the old arrangement.  However, we still expect these students to continue their maths and English studies as part of their T level Programme.


T Level Industry Placement completions – good news stories

We would like to hear from providers of T Level students that have completed their industry placement.

Colleagues in our communications team would like to reach out to the hosting employer to find out more about the benefits students brought to the business and the return on investment from hosting an industry placements.

There is a national employer skills campaign happening in the new year and these employers could feature within the campaign. Please do email: laura.tiplady@education.gov.uk as soon as possible with your good news stories.


SEND case study request

The DfE is keen that T Levels are made available and accessible to a wide range of learners and that appropriate arrangements are put in place for those who need additional support.

The DfE would like to develop some case studies to highlight the kinds of arrangements and adjustments that could be made so that T Levels are seen as inclusive courses.

If you have a learner taking a T Level for whom you have had to make adjustments to teaching and learning to accommodate SEND requirements, the DfE would like to hear from you. Email: Routesreadiness.TE@education.gov.uk.


T Level Technical Qualifications Autumn 2021/2022 Provider Survey

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education will be sending out an Autumn 2021/2022 Provider Survey on 10 January 2022.

This will be an opportunity for Wave 1 and Wave 2 Providers to provide their feedback on the services that Awarding Organisations provide to you.

Please keep an eye out for the survey in the new year.


Awarding organisation updates


NCFE is looking for industry experts to support the development of T Level technical qualifications in the following areas:

  1. Hair, beauty and aesthetics
  2. Media, broadcast and production
  3. Craft and design

We need input from employers and experienced practitioners from across these sectors to review, comment on, validate, or help to write qualification and assessment materials.  

Their support will be vital in ensuring that these technical qualifications reflect the needs of these sectors in the future and set young people on a route to success.

Find out how you or someone within your network can get involved and help shape the future of learning.


City & Guilds  

City & Guilds has created a series of podcasts titled 'T Level Explained,' working with employers, providers and HEIs to help providers and learners understand the industry placements, progressing with a T Level and much more.



Highfield is looking to work with training providers with expertise in catering teaching/assessment to support the development of the T Level Technical Qualification in Catering. By contributing to the qualification and development process, you can ensure our approach is practicable, in line with current teaching practices and meets expected industry standards.
To express your interest in being involved with the future of FE for the catering sector, email us at tlevels@highfield.co.uk.

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