Helping students decide on a pathway and changing to another T Level

In most cases, we would expect learners to make a decision about their T Level pathway within the first few weeks of their course, supported by good information, advice and guidance. 

The broad-based nature of the T Level core will mean that a student may not need to decide on their specialism until partway through the first year, but this will depend on the provider’s offer and curriculum design. For example, some providers may not offer all specialisms within a pathway and some may teach the core content and the occupational specialism in parallel from the outset.  

The nature of some T Levels may also mean that learners have to make an early decision about their occupational specialisms, because they have a significant number of industry placement hours. 

If a learner wants to move from one pathway to another within the same T Level route, this may well be possible during the first year but will depend on the factors above. 

As now, providers will need to use their judgement about the amount of learning that has been completed and about any arrangements that may be needed for a student to catch up.

Providers will be expected to provide data to the Department for Education in line with other 16-19 study programmes. They will also be expected to register students and make assessment entries with awarding organisations in line with their key dates schedule.

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