A new three part resource series on high quality T Level delivery

We are excited to announce the launch of a brand-new three-part video series designed to support providers in delivering high quality T Levels.

This resource offers invaluable insights and practical strategies drawn from the experiences of leading teams at Bexhill Sixth Form College and South Devon College.

The first in a series exploring high-quality T Level delivery in Health, this video highlights curriculum sequencing and planning insights from experienced teams at Bexhill Sixth Form College and South Devon College. 

The second in a series exploring high-quality T Level delivery, this video focuses on employer engagement, showcasing effective practices and insights from experienced teams at Bexhill Sixth Form College and South Devon College. 

The third in a series exploring high-quality T Level delivery, this video focuses on CPD for providers, examining how to effectively support staff in delivering high-quality T Levels with insights and strategies from experienced teams at Bexhill Sixth Form College and South Devon College.

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