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31st October 2024- T Level Newsletter

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T Level certificates and statements of achievement issued to providers

Certificates and Statements of Achievements for 2022 T Level learners will be issued early November 2024. Find out more here.

T Level Progression to HE – 2024 cycle

Earlier this month, UCAS published T Level data for 2024 admissions cycle.

We are pleased to see that this year, like last year, 83% of T Level applicants (all age groups) were placed into Higher Education courses. This is an excellent result, as more learners than ever before are progressing into Higher Education.

We want your feedback on T Level assessments 

With work on waves 1 & 2 already in train, we are now kicking of our work to review wave 3 T levels in: Manufacturing, Processing and Control for Engineering; Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering; Design and Development for Engineering; Finance; Accounting; and Management & Administration.

As part of this, we want to hear more from providers on their experience of T Levels; in particular, the content and delivery of assessments. This includes holding a series of workshops with providers, which you may have been invited to take part in.

To support this, we have sent a survey to all providers who have delivered assessments in these T Levels, please complete the survey here.

Please do take this opportunity to share your feedback by 5pm on Fri 29 Nov. It will play a key part in this review work, and in the ongoing development of T Levels.

Resource Spotlight! 

This resource is a short online course providing practitioners with a simple introduction to using immersive technologies within an education setting. As well as videos, which can be used in the curriculum delivery of construction T Levels, either with VR headsets or in 2D.

Organisations involved in the creation of this resource: Gloucestershire College, Truro and Penrith College, Weymouth College and Halesowen College.

Awarding Organisation Updates

Pearson: please find their October E-Bulletin here.

City & Guilds: Please ensure that you review the welcome email City & Guilds issued on 6 September 2024, which contained important information to support you with your T Level 2024-2025 delivery. The email contained useful links to the welcome pack, guidance, key dates and lots of useful support information.

Animal Care and Management T Level specification update: There have been a number of small changes to the specifications and sample assessment materials (SAMs) for the Animal Care and Management T Level Technical Qualification (TQ). The Guide Standard Exemplification Materials (GSEMs) are now also available on the qualification webpage.

NCFE: Visit NCFE's website for everything you need to know ahead of the upcoming T Level autumn assessment series, including core exams and Employer Set Projects (ESP), and key dates calendars for each T Level. 

AoC: T Level Foundation Year Events

The AoC is running a variety of events to support T Level Foundation year providers in the upcoming weeks. If you are a Foundation Year provider please check out the offering here. 

ETF Course: Understanding T Levels for the post-16 sector

Are you a teacher, manager or support staff responsible for delivering T Levels?

Book your place today on the Education and Training Foundation’s (ETF) Understanding T Levels for the post-16 sector course, which is part of their T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offer, fully funded by the DfE.
This course will explore a range of factors for implementation, delivery and assessment of the T Level. Packed with useful information, it will help you understand how to plan and structure your delivery to give your learners the best possible outcomes.

Upcoming Events: see all upcoming T Level events here

Drop-In Clinics: Core Exam Resits for T Levels in Education and Early Years, Digital, Health, Science, and Healthcare Science
Monday, 4th November 2024, 12:00 PM

T Levels: Group Industry Placement - Animal Care and Management - Don’t follow the herd - the range of diverse opportunities within animal care
Monday, 4th November 2024, 1:30 PM

T Levels: Industry Workshop - Digital - FAIR data processing. What is it and why does it matter?
Tuesday, 5th November 2024, 12:30 PM

T Levels: Industry Workshop - Health - The scope of roles within the NHS and debunking misconceptions in the healthcare industry
Tuesday, 5th November 2024, 1:00 PM

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