Post 16 consultations

T Level implementation, Results of the public consultation about the proposals for implementing T Levels can be found here. This consultation ran between November 2017 and February 2018. This document is particularly useful for those implementing or planning to implement T Levels to understand the background to the current policy.

First stage consultation, launched in March 2019. This was to gather views and evidence about the principles that should apply to post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England. The consultation can be found here

Government response to the first stage consultation, published in October 2020. This summarises the responses received, along with the government’s response outlining the next steps, one of which was the second stage consultation (see below). This document provides useful context behind the current policy and guidance and can be found here.

Data on students and qualifications at level 3 and below in England, Published in March 2019 alongside the first stage consultation, provides useful context alongside the consultation document, found here.

Second stage consultation, launched in October 2020. This was the second stage of the review of post-16 qualifications. It focused on level 3 qualifications and sought views on proposals for the groups of qualifications that would continue to be funded alongside A levels and T Levels. The consultation can be found here.

Government response to the second stage consultation, published in July 2021. This response includes clarity around the intention of government to streamline the qualifications landscape, simplify choices for students and only fund qualifications that are high quality and lead to good progression outcomes, found here.

Level 3 policy statement, published in July 2021. This set out changes to level 3 qualifications following the consultations on the post 16 qualifications review at level 3. This can be found here.

Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England: impact assessment, published in July 2022. This accompanies the government response to the second stage consultation and can be found here. This outlines changes to the assessment of qualifications expected to be eligible for public funding in the future, provides an assessment of the likely impact of the proposals of the review and addresses responses to the equalities questions within the second stage consultation.

Call for evidence, post-16 study at level 2 and below, published in November 2020. This was part of the review of post-16 qualifications. To improve study at level 2 and below, the department wanted to know more about what is working well and what more could be done to support students. The public responses to this can be found here.

Consultation and level 2 and below, opened in March 2022. This can be found here. The consultation asked for views on proposals to reform post-16 qualifications and level 2 and below. This provides useful context to the current policy.

Government response to consultation at level 2 and below, published in October 2022. This consultation set out the detailed proposals to reform level 2 and below qualifications and seeks views on the groups of qualifications the government proposes should continue to receive public funding. The response and impact assessment can be found here.

Publications by Ofqual

Ofqual Corporate Plan: Ofqual’s corporate plan from 2022 to 2025 can be found here.

Ofqual Regulations: A list of Ofqual’s regulations can be found below.

Consultation decisions: A list of consultation documents produced by Ofqual can be found below.

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