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21st March 2024- T Level Newsletter

T Level results available for Autumn assessments

Overall T Level results for learners who completed Autumn assessments are now available. Find out more here

Wave 5 Specialist Equipment Allocation

Providers who are delivering a T Level route for the first time in September 2024, and who have completed the May and October T Level data collections with projected student numbers for the first four years of delivery, should have received in February a grant letter addressed to the Head of Organisation, outlining the details of their Specialist Equipment Allocation. Payment should have been received last week.

If you have not received this letter and/or payment and believe you are eligible to receive the allocation, please contact

Careers Guidance Grant Monitoring Forms

This is a reminder to all providers who received the T Level Careers Guidance grant, the deadline for returning the Monitoring Form is 31 March 2024.

We would appreciate it if this form can be returned to us as soon as possible so we can review the recruitment activities you engaged in using the allocation.

You can return your completed form to and if you have any questions, please use the same email address.

T Level Recruitment Progress Survey

The March 2024 T Level Recruitment Progress survey is currently open and will close on 22 March. The survey asks about the total number of applications received for T Level study in September 2024 and any challenges you have faced on recruitment.

You can complete the survey here.

New CPD launched for those in T Level employer engagement roles

Find out more about a programme of support for those involved in securing T Level industry placements here. 

Employer Support Fund

As you may be aware, the T level Industry placements Employer Support Fund (ESF) for FY23-24 comes to an end on the 31st March 2024. The Department is currently analysing the impact that the fund has had on placements, and we will confirm next steps on the fund in due course.  

In the meantime, it is vital that providers submit evidence of payments made to employers for FY23-24. Claims can only be made for industry placements that started between the 1st April 2023 and the 31st March 2024 and you cannot use your ESF FY23-24 allocation to support industry placements that start after the 31st March 2024. Providers can submit claims for their FY23-24 allocation via the online ESF data tracking tool. The final deadline for submissions is 5 May 2024 and we will not accept submissions after this date.

New teaching resources and research to support teaching of Health and Science T-levels 

A suite of new teaching resources and practical guidance on macro-sequencing to support the delivery of Health and Science T-levels has been launched by Gatsby’s Technical Education Networks (TEN) programme. The free resources designed to bring industry and the classroom closer together and developed by a network of specialist teachers, employers and industry professionals are available to download from 

The teaching suite of materials includes animations, video content, slide decks, and worksheets and includes guidance on macro-sequencing in collaboration with the Association of Colleges (AoC). For more details about the TEN programme, please contact 

Understanding T Levels for frontline staff

Are you a teacher or part of the learning support team responsible for delivering T Levels on the frontline?

Book your place on the upcoming Understanding T Levels for frontline staff in the post-16 sector course taking place on Wednesday 24 April, 10am – 3.30pm.

After attending this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to improve your teaching practice, in turn bolstering your learners with the skills, behaviours and competencies required to thrive as T Level students.

Qualifications reform at level 3 and below Careers Lead webinar

The aim of the presentation is to share an overview of the reforms that are taking place for Post 16 students, so that Careers Leads in colleges and schools gain an understanding of the future qualifications landscape.

16.00- 16.30pm on Tuesday 26th March 2024

Please use this link to register for the session.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Update on Mixed Farming

IfATE will explore the viability of a level 3 mixed farming occupational standard in the Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care route. This work will inform a potential mixed farming occupational specialism for the Agriculture, Land Management and Production T Level. As part of that work, IfATE welcome input from employers and providers on how mixed farming works in practice. Further detail on how to provide input will be confirmed in due course.  

Pig Skills- Livestock Production Occupational Specialism

Pig skills will be incorporated into the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism, within the Agriculture and Land Management Production T Level, for students starting in September 2024.  It is anticipated that the TQ Specification will be available in early summer which will give providers the information needed to plan for their delivery.  The first assessment series for the Occupational Specialism will be during the second year, in the summer 2026 series.

T Level in Animal Care & Management- Update on Equine Care and Management

IfATE will not be developing an Equine Care and Management Occupational Specialism in the T Level, therefore, Awarding Organisations will be able to submit qualifications via the Post 16 Qualification reform process for funding against the Level 3 Equine Occupational Standard, as there will be no overlap with a T level. Qualifications can be submitted for both 16-19 and post 19 categories.

AoC Updates

Navigating T Level and T Level Foundation Year Delivery: Q&A Session

Date: Wednesday 27 March

Time: 4pm - 5pm

Description: Join us for an interactive Q&A session that provides you with the chance to have all your T Level and T Level Foundation Year delivery questions answered. This session will be hosted by a panel of experts, comprising experienced T Level and T Level Foundation Year providers, and representatives from AoC and DfE.

Please book here. 

Awarding Organisation Updates

City & Guilds:

Provider support drop-in sessions for Animal Care and Management

In the run-up to delivering the Animal Care and Management (ACM) T Level pathway in September 2024, City & Guilds’ Technical Advisor Sarah Cocks, will be hosting a series of drop-in sessions. These sessions, starting later this month, will offer the opportunity to ask questions on any topics related to the ACM T Level pathway. You can find the link to register here. 

Engineering and Manufacturing T Level: Case study with Exeter College

Exeter College began delivering the Light and Electric Vehicles Occupational Specialism in September 2022. City & Guilds spoke to three learners from the programme, along with the Programme Lead for Engineering from Exeter College, and one of the employers who have been offering placement opportunities to the learners. Read it here. 

Engineering and Manufacturing ESP delivery window

For Providers delivering any of the Engineering and Manufacturing pathways, the ESP delivery window is now open. The window will remain open until 22 March 2024, with the deadline for evidence upload the 28 March 2024. You can find guidance on the T Level Resource Hub, including an ESP process guide, and a bite-sized video which walks you through how to upload ESP evidence for your learners here. 


Autumn series results Results for the autumn assessment series were released by NCFE on Wednesday 20 March, ahead of students receiving them today, Thursday 21 March. For more information on how NCFE can support you with post-results services, visit the T Level results webpage.


Pearson’s March E-Bulletin was published and included the following:  

  • Entries and registrations 
  • 2024 Provider Approval window 
  • Craft and Design and Media, Broadcast and Production update 
  • Summer 2024 face-to-face T Level events 

 Read the March E-Bulletin


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