A - F

Academic Progression Qualifications: Academic progression qualifications are level 2 qualifications designed to support students who are not ready to progress directly to level 3 academic study immediately after Key Stage 4.  They will ensure that post 16 students get the teaching and support they need to progress onto and succeed on to a level 3 course, such as A levels or mixed programmes.


Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs): AAQs are qualifications designed to be taught alongside A levels and with a clear and direct link to progression into further/higher education.


Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs)- Small: Small AAQs are the same size as 1 A level (150-430 guided learning hours) and are qualifications that can be taken in a mixed study programme alongside A levels.  Small AAQs will be approved for funding in subject areas that are strategically important (such as STEM, those supporting the NHS) and those that are less well-served by A levels, such as creative and performing arts or sport. Small AAQs will be a minimum of 40% assessment by examination.


Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs)- Large: large AAQs are the same size as 2 or 3 A levels (720-1080 guided learning hours) and will typically be taken as the main part of a student’s study programme, or alongside 1 A level. Large AAQs will be approved in a limited range of subject areas where a T Level is not available and there is a need for a large academic qualification, providing a clear and direct progression link into higher education.


Awarding Organisations (AOs): Refers to individual organisations that design, develop and assess qualifications but are not themselves education providers.


Basic Skills Qualifications: Reformed basic skills qualifications in English and maths at level 1 and entry level will be available for first teach from 2028.  Digital qualifications have been reformed separately.


Entry Level Qualifications: Entry level qualifications are available at three sub-levels - 1, 2 and 3. Students can progress from entry level 1 to entry level 3. Entry level qualifications will be considered for funding in cycle 3, for first teach in 2027, or cycle 4, for first teach in 2028.


ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages. Reformed ESOL skills for life qualifications at entry level to level 2 will be available for first teach from 2028.


Funding Manual: The funding manual is for awarding organisations who intend to submit reformed and new qualifications for approval in England. It includes the DfE’s funding approval criteria including:

  • DfE’s process to approve qualifications for funding including how and when qualifications will be reviewed.
  • How and when the moratorium on approving newly regulated qualifications for funding will change.
  • What will happen to qualifications currently approved for funding.
  • A summary of how funding approval outcomes will be reviewed.

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