Guide to T Level revenue funding


T Level students are funded within the total lagged learner numbers, within in T Level (larger) funding bands. T Level funding generally operates outside of the lagged funding system, we fund planned new students in-year, not in the following academic year.

Guidance about T Level funding can be found here

If you need more information, please contact us via the ESFA enquiry form

T Level data collections

You are required to complete two digital T Level Data Collection (TLDC) forms in mid-May and mid-October to inform us of your T Level delivery intentions for the next academic year. This will come from the mailbox, usually 4 - 6 weeks ahead of the close date.

The May TLDC will ask you to record all of the T Levels you wish to offer in that AY and your new planned new starts, this is the last point that you are able to add any new T Level routes.

The October TLDC return is critical as this will drive the funding allocated for that AY and, if you do not return that data by the deadline, you will not receive up-front funding for the next academic year as part of your main 16-19 funding allocation in February/March.

Although you cannot add any new routes in the October TLDC, you can change the routes already on your plan. You must ensure that the student numbers you include in your TLDC are feasible, based on current qualifications that are being defunded and your existing provision.

We will do ‘reasonableness’ checks on the May TLDC data and will contact providers to challenge them on their plans where numbers do not appear reasonable is the context of their current post-16 delivery and funding.

When completing your TLDCs and planning towards delivery of T Levels, we expect that you will have:

    • Engaged with the T Level specification to understand the expectations around teaching, assessment and industry placements
    • Plans in place for marketing T Levels
    • Staffing in place for any specialist teaching
    • Structures in place to source the industry placements necessary to offer every student a good experience and to also be able to prepare, support, and track their attendance and learning while on placement.

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