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Engineering and Manufacturing industry placements - on placement



On placement/Midpoint review checklist (with examples) 

This tool helps providers to:

  • monitor a student’s progress through their placement
  • monitor a student’s progress against their learning objectives
  • set new learning objectives that challenge and stretch the student
  • identify any areas for skills development
  • make sure students know how much progress they are making towards their learning objectives
  • have constructive discussions with employers during the placement
  • manage expectations about the administration responsibilities of the employer, student and provider
  • get feedback from the employer and respond to it
  • get feedback from the student and respond to it 

This helps employers:

  • understand the midpoint review process
  • give constructive feedback to the provider about how they feel the placement is working for the employer
  • feedback any placement delivery issues, for example, staff time or administration needs
  • feedback to the provider about how they feel the student is progressing with their learning objectives
  • set new learning objectives with the provider

This helps students to:

  • feedback on their experience of the placement
  • discuss how they feel they are progressing with their learning objectives
  • understand how the employer and provider feel they are progressing against their learning objectives
  • understand the next steps and any new objectives 

Who is it for?

Share the checklist and examples with staff who are involved in planning students’ objectives and reviews. This will include:

  • staff in employer engagement
  • T Level course leaders and tutors
  • the employer
Midpoint review checklist (with examples)
Key questions Suggestions
What does the midpoint review tell you?
  • if both the employer and student are satisfied with how the placement is going and if they are enjoying it
  • if any adjustments need to be made, such as moving students to a different department, role or even employer
  • if adjustments need to be made to learning objectives or if new learning objectives that will challenge and stretch the student should be added
  • if any support and guidance is needed by the employer or the student and if there are gaps in the student’s learning
  • how well the induction worked. This is an opportunity to collect feedback from the employer and the student for reflective practice to continually improve the induction process
  • how well the placement is working for the student and the employer. This is an opportunity to collect feedback about the placement for reflective practice to help streamline and support the planning of future industry placements
Who designs the review process?
  • T Level course leaders and/or tutors
  • specialist work placement assessment team
with input from the employer
What is its main purpose?
  • to assess whether the expectations identified in the industry placement agreement are being met
  • to ensure that safeguarding and welfare protocols are being followed
What questions could be framed at a midpoint review to employers?
  • are their expectations being met and are they enjoying providing the placement?
  • is there anything they feel they would have benefited from that was not provided before the placement started?
  • is there anything they feel would have benefited the student that was not provided before they started the placement?
  • how do they feel the induction went and is there any support they would have liked from the provider that they didn’t receive?
  • what is going well?
  • is there room for improvement, and if there is, what would they suggest?
  • can they assess the student’s performance and behaviour against their learning objectives/goals?
  • what activities has the student undertaken? Include projects they have been involved in, ideas they have contributed, and the evidence they have collected, for example, in notebooks, reports and logbooks
  • how well does the student use tools, equipment and software in their role?
  • do they have any suggestions for changes that can be made to the curriculum delivery?
  • is the student working towards achieving their agreed learning goals? Have any goals been met?
  • can the student follow the health and safety rules and regulations of the site?
  • what are the next steps for the student?
  • have they experienced any issues delivering the placement? If they have, what will help?
What questions could be asked at the midpoint review to students?
  • what would have been helpful to know at the start of the placement?
  • what is going well?
  • what is going less well?
  • what could be improved?
  • do they need any extra support put in place?
  • do they have a mentor?
  • was the induction helpful? Was there anything they feel should have been included that was not?
  • are they receiving pastoral care and how do they feel mentally and physically? Ask about loneliness, whether they are eating and sleeping enough, are they supported in religious fasting?
  • are they having a positive experience?
  • what activities have they undertaken? Include projects they have been involved in, ideas they have contributed, and the evidence they have collected, for example, in notebooks, reports and logbooks
  • how would they assess their performance and behaviour against their learning objectives/goals?
  • is the placement providing experience that develops their skills and matches the occupational specialisms or pathway for their course?
  • have they applied things they learned in the workplace to college, and the other way around?
  • have they achieved any of their learning goals?
  • do they feel supported by the wider team?
  • are they being sufficiently challenged and stretched by the work they are doing on the placement?
  • how has the experience so far influenced their intended next steps and career ideas?
  • are there are any safeguarding concerns that need to be addressed? Note: the student and employer should be questioned individually
  • are there any concerns about absence or other issues?
  • check the employers understanding of safeguarding procedures
Who is involved?


  • employer
  • student
  • member of staff from the provider – either a curriculum specialist or a member of the industry placement team (ideally a curriculum member of staff would attend on-site reviews)


  • co-workers
  • customers/clients
  • suppliers
How is it carried out?
  • face-to-face, virtually or by telephone
  • it is good practice to carry out at least two of the reviews face-to-face
  • hold separate meetings with the student and the employer
  • tracking software can be used
  • set further key review dates
What should the student know?
  • when and where the assessment will take place
  • who is involved
  • how they can give feedback
  • what the process is
  • what they need to take with them, for example, evidence of learning and reflections
  • how the outcomes of the assessment are recorded
  • who the information is shared with
How will skills development and progress against objectives be measured?
  • skills self-assessments are completed throughout the year, for example, to assess progress in teamworking and communication
  • confidence levels are measured through skills assessments
  • whether what they have learned in the workplace has prepared them for the world of work
  • whether what they have learned in the workplace has met the expectations of the course
  • employer evaluation of the progress the student has made against their learning objectives
  • small challenges in skills training hubs
  • industry placement student of the month nominations
  • competency measures
How do employers give feedback?
  • employers should be made aware of what and how they can feed back before the placement begins
  • providers can give employers a feedback template with progress indicators to make sure employers provide the relevant information
  • templates should include multiple choice questions and free-form sections so employers can give full feedback

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