T Level Campaign aimed at Parents (by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation)

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation are running a T-level communications campaign targeting parents, carers, and guardians of 11–16-year-olds, which will be live throughout September 2023. The advertising campaign aims to equip parents with the key information about T-levels, and ultimately to leverage their influence on young people to increase take-up of the qualification.

Gatsby’s work in career guidance over the past decade has reinforced that parents and guardians are the greatest influence on their child’s education and career decisions, and can either actively dissuade them from certain paths, or inadvertently fail to support their child through their own lack of awareness or experience.

The campaign will be live across the following channels until the end of September:

  • Outdoor posters and busses in proximity to T-level providers
  • National and local radio stations
  • Digital audio, including Spotify
  • Online video, including All4, ITVX and Sky, YouTube
  • Digital channels including Facebook and Mumsnet.

T Levels Parents.png

All campaign activity drives users to either the campaign homepage or the case study page. The campaign will be live alongside DfE’s Get the Jump campaign – aimed at young people – as well as substantial work to raise awareness of T-levels amongst employers.  

Actions for you:

As part of the campaign, Gatsby have developed a suite of assets and case study videos for you to download and use in your own engagement/outreach with parents. The videos are lighthearted but informative and will help to build advocacy through the positive experiences of T-levels seen by parents and students alike.

  • The videos – and other campaign assets - are free to use across your own channels and events (social, websites, newsletters, open evenings, parents evenings etc.) and can be accessed on this link: (scroll down to campaign materials to download). The link includes:
    • Campaign case study videos: includes a short game followed by footage of parents and teenagers talking about their experience with T-levels – x12 videos
    • Parent & Student interviews: as above but without the game, interview footage only – x12 videos
    • Parent Placements: we invited parents to experience a day of their teen’s course and see for themselves how well the placement prepares young people for the world of work - x2 videos
    • Employer videos: Employers who have taken on T-level industry placements talking about their positive experiences and their message to parents considering T-levels for their children – x7 videos (each with a main and short version).  
  • Please link activity to Gatsby’s campaign website or to your own T-level website page(s).

If you have any questions, requests or feedback please contact Harriet Evans in the Gatsby Education team.


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