14 September 2023 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

Changes to the assessment arrangements for the Core component from 2023/24 onwards

Following Ofqual’s consultation (March-May 2023) into changes to the assessment arrangements for the Core component, students can now take either part of the Core component (the Core Exams or the Employer Set Project (ESP)) separately in different assessment series at the first attempt. This will offer more flexibility for education and training providers in how they sequence the delivery and assessment of T Level courses.

More information can be found here.


Guidance for schools and colleges

The department is working with the Association of Colleges (AOC), The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and Gatsby colleagues to combine all our resources into one place on the T Levels Support for Schools and Colleges website. We will continue to add resources and event information so keep up to date here


2021 T Level learner certificates

We will soon start printing certificates and statements of achievements for your 2021 T Level learners. Please check your organisation’s address is correct before 31 October. Find out more here


Connect with employers interested in T Levels

Log in to the Connect service now to see employers interested in getting involved in T Levels. There are over 65 employers currently in the service with over 200 T Level opportunities across England. Find out how to access the service here


Employer Support Fund – Online Data Tracking Tool

We are happy to announce that we have now launched the Employer Support Fund online data tracking tool, where providers should record payments which they have made to employers as part of the Employer Support Fund.

Providers can access the online data tracking tool via their DfE Sign-In (DSI) account. If you do not have a DSI account, you will need to contact your organisation’s approver to set you up.

For any queries, please contact Employer.supportfund@education.gov.uk.


Celebrating T Level Progression

For T Levels week in October, we want to celebrate your case studies! We are looking for T Level students who are progressing to Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs). We would love to spotlight your students, their T Level journey and show off the benefits of technical education routes with real stories. If you have suitable case studies, please get in touch by 18 September via Team.HIGHERTECHNICALEDUCATION@education.gov.uk to celebrate T levels week with us.


October 2023 T Level data collection

The T Level data collection will open on 18 September and will collect data from all T Level providers on T Level delivery intentions from the 2024 to 2025 academic year. It is critical for you to complete this data return accurately and by the closing date, which is 13 October. We will use this data to allocate revenue funding for T Levels delivery and to allocate specialist equipment funding in early 2024.

Those providers that were expecting to be offering T Levels this academic year will also receive a separate email and link for the T Level Enrolment Survey, which will open on 25 September. We will ask about the total number of new students who have enrolled on a T Level course or T Level Foundation Year programme starting in September 2023, and the total number of industry placements secured for this cohort. These are high profile programmes and this information helps us to report accurately to ministers and to publish early information on enrolments in the T Level Action Plan.


More than 43,500 activities supported to date as part of T Level Professional Development offer

The ETF is proud to have supported 43,723 activities as part of the T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offer, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), since the TLPD Pilot Phase began in 2019.

Participation figures for the period May 2019 to July 2023, show that over 22,000 individuals (22,126) have participated in the programme. 

More details can be found here.


Start the term by joining a T Level Network 

These 90 minute online Networks give you the opportunity to collaborate with other providers and share your T Level experiences.

Together you will build your knowledge and strengthen your T Level delivery to ensure the best outcomes for your learners.

These Networks are open and ready for you to join via the Professional Development Platform:

There are both 'in-delivery' and 'pre-delivery' Networks, so you can join the ones most suited to your T Level journey.


Awarding Organisations Updates


Animal Care and Management – Equine Management Occupational Specialism

The Equine Management OS was paused during development of the Animal Care and Management T Level, and the associated standards are currently under review. Once this review has been concluded (expected in Spring) IfATE will apply T Level suitability testing to determine whether this OS will continue development or will be ceased.

Agriculture, Land Management and Production – Habitat Management Occupational Specialism decision

Following a review looking into the suitability of the proposed Habitat Management occupational specialism for the Agriculture, Land Management and Production (ALMP) T Level, IfATE and DfE have approved a recommendation not to proceed with developing this specialism.

The in-depth review determined that Habitat Management was not viable as an occupational specialism. The approved occupational specialisms for the ALMP T Level are: Floristry, Trees and Woodland Management and Maintenance, Ornamental Horticulture & Landscaping, Crop & Plant Production, Livestock Production and Land-based Engineering.



NCFE’s Key Dates Schedule for 2023-24 and 2024-25 is now live

NCFE has published their T Level Key Dates Schedule for 2023/24 and 2024/25. To view the comprehensive tailored response to points raised by providers throughout the consultation process earlier this year, see the article on their provider updates page.   


City & Guilds

Support resources 

A very warm welcome to a new academic year of delivering T Levels! Support resources, including event calendars, key date schedules, and the welcome pack are now available on the T Levels Resource Hub:


Registration & booking windows 

The registration window for all new T Level learners is now open. Please register your learners within this window to avoid late fees. Assessment booking windows for 2nd-year learners are also open.   

  • 1 Sept- 1 Nov 2023 TQ registration window open  
  • 1 - 30 Sept 2023 Booking window for autumn core exams and/or ESP 
  • 1 Sept - 16 Dec 2023 Booking window for Occupational Specialism assessments 

Q&A for autumn core assessments (inc. ESP)  
City & Guilds Technical Advisors will be running live Q&A sessions to support providers who will be registering learners for the autumn core exams. Visit City & Guilds T Level Events page to register: https://www.cityandguilds.com/tlevels/events 

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