T Level Transition Programme: DfE response to consultation on Level 2 qualifications supporting progression to T Levels – and new national name for the programme

We ran a targeted consultation (from 26 January to 6 April 2023) on the content of future level 2 qualifications supporting progression to T Levels. These will be based on the national technical outcomes (NTOs) developed for the T Level Transition Programme. T Level Foundation Qualifications will be available from 2026.

We have now published:

  • our response to the consultation
  • revised NTOs for the 12 T Level routes, following this consultation. This is to make them clearer for awarding organisations to use as the basis of qualifications. The changes are mostly presentational and do not change the focus of the NTO content itself.  An explanation of the changes made can be found in Appendix A of our response.

Ofqual has now launched its consultation on the draft conditions, requirements and guidance it intends to put place for T Level Foundation Qualifications.

We have also announced that the national name for the T Level Transition Programme is changing to T Level Foundation Year. We are making the change to strengthen the relationship with T Levels and signal clearly that this is the first step on a 3-year path to achieving a T Level for those who need it. We will not expect providers to reflect this locally until academic year 2024/25.

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