22 June 2023 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

Industry placement completion deadline for the Manage T Level Results service - 23rd June

A reminder that for 2021 T Level learners, you are required to input Industry Placement completion data into the Manage T Level Results service by 23 June 2023.

Guidance and further instructions are available here 


Celebrating T Level & Transition Programme Success: Call for Case Study Stories

We would like to hear from providers about your inspiring student success stories, to help us showcase and promote your programmes and motivate young people to choose T Level and T Level Transition Programme – simply by providing some initial details in the Case Study Form [link https://forms.office.com/e/GNb6fL033N] so that we can get in touch directly to discuss next steps.  

We would like your help to identify:

  • T Level Transition Programme students who will be progressing to T Level
  • T Level students who have progressed from your T Level Transition Programmes and are about to finish Year 1 T Level studies, or Year 2 T Level studies
  • Year 2 T Level students who going on to further study, apprenticeships or employment
  • Your own unique stories and the partnerships you have developed with local employers.

This is a great opportunity to showcase the amazing life changing work that you do, the achievements of your brilliant young people and the close partnership working with your local employers. 

We can't wait to hear from you today! Please use the Case Study Form so that we can celebrate together your brilliant young people’s achievements and spotlight your inspiring success stories.

If you have questions, please contact Steph Crane Stephanie.Crane@aoc.co.uk or email DfE directly on TLevelTransition.PROGRAMME@education.gov.uk.  


Register to deliver T Levels for the first time in the 2025 to 2026 academic year

Are you planning to deliver T Levels for the first time in 2025 to 2026 academic year? Make sure you register before 28 July 2023 to access the full implementation planning support, up-front revenue and specialist equipment funding, and to be considered for any future buildings and facilities improvement grant funding that may be available to support delivery in 2025.

The registration portal and supporting guidance can be accessed on GOV.UK.


T Level 2023 Recruitment Progress survey

Thank you to providers who have completed the June 2023 Recruitment Progress survey. The information will be used to update ministers on T Level recruitment and industry placement progress for the 2023 to 2024 academic year. It will also help us to determine whether the additional T Level Careers Guidance funding is helping to support the recruitment drive.

We will conduct a further survey at the end of September to ask three simple questions: how many T Level students you have enrolled overall on T Levels and Transition Programmes and how many industry placements you have secured for the 2023 cohort. This helps to keep ministers informed about progress on T Level enrolments until the official ILR and school census data returns are available to us in January.


Case Study Opportunity

Do you have T Level students who are progressing to Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)? If so, we would like to hear from you. We are gathering case studies of current T Level students who have applied for an HTQ starting in September 2023 and current HTQ students who have completed a T Level. Student case studies are crucial in helping to raise the profile and awareness of HTQs, positively influencing other students. Please get in touch via Team.HIGHERTECHNICALEDUCATION@education.gov.uk


Linking London T Level Week

Linking London are pleased to share details of our first T Levels Week, taking place in the week beginning the 19th June 2023, aimed at T Level learners, their parents and carers, as well as staff in FE and HE engaged in providing information, advice and guidance and outreach activities. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the opportunities post T Level, with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on HE progression, with T Level learners in schools and colleges, and their parents and carers. 

Here is our flyer with links to sign up, outlining two online events aimed at Parents and T Level learners during the week. All of the events listed are free to attend.

The following link also provides details on our event aimed at staff engaged with, or interested in finding out more about, supporting T Level learners with their next steps, with a focus on progression to HE.

If you have any questions, please do email info@linkinglondon.ac.uk 

We very much look forward to seeing you and your students and their parents at one or more of our events!


Insights Day for T Levels in Construction: Design, Surveying and Planning on Thursday 6th July

The purpose of the day is to invite college staff along so that they can learn about the Berkeley Group and hear about why we are keen to get involved in T Levels and how we can work together to plan meaningful industry placements.

The agenda will consist of guest speakers from the Berkeley Group talking about BIM, Sustainability and Modular Construction and you will have the opportunity to network with other colleges who are interested in delivering T levels in Construction. The DfE will also attend to give more insight around the T levels and placements.

At the end of the day around 4pm there should be an opportunity to visit our Twelve Trees Park development so please indicate if this is something you would be interested in doing as places will be limited and we will need to organise PPE.

Venue - London City Institute of Technology, 5 Hope Street, Leamouth Peninsula, London, E14 0BZ

Times – 10am – 3pm followed by an optional site visit at 4pm

Lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend, please contact catherine.hawkett@berkeleygroup.co.uk


Awarding Organisations Updates


Pearson’s June E-Bulletin was published and included the following:  

  • 2023 Provider Approval window 
  • T Level Transition programme 
  • Q&A Networks and Training events  

Read the June E-Bulletin 

Pearson are seeking Experts and teachers to join the EVP and PVP for their T levels. If you would like to find out more, discuss the commitment involved, or how involvement will support you or your team's professional development Pearson would love to hear from you. Please email Pearson’s dedicated Stakeholder Engagement Manager andrew.hambelton@pearson.com 


Take a look at this month’s news update from NCFE which includes important actions and reminders on submitting approval to deliver T Levels, support on upcoming core assessments and information to help you prepare for moderation. https://www.ncfe.org.uk/technical-education/t-levels/provider-hub/supporting-delivery/communication-updates/latest-updates/ 

City & Guilds:

Assessment feedback sessions

For Providers delivering the second year of either Onsite Construction or Building Services Engineering, the feedback session for the delivery of the Occupational Specialism assignments will be happening next month on 4 July 2023.

For Providers delivering any of the Engineering and Manufacturing T Level Technical Qualifications, City & Guilds Technical Advisor, Sam Ashman, will be running a feedback session for the Core Exams and Employer-Set Project on 7 July 2023.

Links to register for either of these events can be found here: https://www.cityandguilds.com/tlevels/events

 Approval window

This a reminder to Providers that the approval window for September 2023 delivery closes on 30 June. For those who have already gained approval during this window, your TQA will be reaching out shortly to arrange your Action Plan review. Please be aware, all actions from your approval report must be signed off in time for September delivery. If you have any questions at all regarding your approval or require additional support, please contact the Technicals quality team at technicals.quality@cityandguilds.com

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