08 June 2023 - T Level Newsletter
This week's newsletter includes updates on:
- Industry placement completion deadline for the Manage T Level Results service - 23rd June
- June T Level 2023 Recruitment Progress survey
- T Level Transition programme introductory webinar 12th June
- Final date for feedback Monday 19 June: T Level Technical Programme: Validation of the revised National Technical Outcomes (NTOs)
- Onsite Construction – a new pathway to full competence for students
- The HTE Skills Injection Fund 2
- IfATE update
- Awarding Organisations Updates
Industry placement completion deadline for the Manage T Level Results service - 23rd June
Providers are required to input data on industry placement completion into the Manage T Level Results service by 23rd June 2023 (in line with the VTQ deadline for evidence).
We have published guidance for exams officers on the T Level Support for schools and colleges website. Find out more here.
June T Level 2023 Recruitment Progress survey
The 2023 Recruitment Progress survey is currently open and will close on 9 June. The survey asks about the total number of students who have accepted an offer of learning for a T Level course starting in September 2023, and the total number of industry placements secured for this cohort. As the information is used to update ministers on T Level recruitment progress for the 2023 to 2024 academic year and to determine whether the T Level Careers Guidance funding is helping to support the recruitment drive, we would appreciate if providers planning to deliver in 2023 could complete the survey by the 9 June.
You can complete the survey here. This was shared with the T Level main contact(s) on 5 June.
T Level Transition Programme introductory webinar
We’d like to welcome all providers who intend to deliver the T Level Transition Programme for the first time from September 2024 to join us at our next T Level Transition Programme Introductory Webinar on the 12th June. Sign up here
Final date for feedback Monday 19 June: T Level Technical Programme: Validation of the revised National Technical Outcomes (NTOs)
We are asking those involved in the provider NTO panels, subject experts and curriculum and TL\TLTP leads, for their continued support to undertake a final ‘sense check’ of the revised NTOs. The final date for feedback is Monday 19th June. More information is available here
Onsite Construction – a new pathway to full competence for students
T Level students are already able to acquire a CSCS ‘trainee card’ to ensure they can work onsite during their Industry Placement. Now, to support progression into work from Onsite Construction T Levels, the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is working with DfE, Gatsby, NOCN and CSCS to fund a pilot a scheme to support progression for T Level graduates who wish to pursue a career in Carpentry & Joinery or Bricklaying. Find out more here
The HTE Skills Injection Fund 2
We are delivering reforms to increase the profile, prestige and uptake of higher technical education. Central to our reforms is the introduction of Higher Technical Qualifications, so we are delighted to announce the launch of The HTE Skills Injection Fund 2. This will provide up to £48m of funding to support providers in delivering Higher Technical Qualifications. Find out more here
The Agriculture, Land Management and Production (ALMP) T Level (including the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism) has been approved by IfATE for first teach in September 2023.
Following a review of the Health and Science T Level content, the revised Health T Level has been approved by IfATE for first teach in September 2023. You can find more information on the Health T Level on the NCFE website
Pearson’s May E-Bulletin was published and included the following:
- 2023 Provider Approval window
- Draft 2023-2025 Key Dates Schedules consultation update
- Q&A Networks and Training events
Pearson are seeking experts and teachers to join the EVP and PVP for their T levels. If you would like to find out more, discuss the commitment involved, or how involvement will support you or your team's professional development Pearson would love to hear from you. Please email Pearson’s dedicated Stakeholder Engagement Manager
City & Guilds:
Exam Administration Guide Webinar
City & Guilds Exams Team recently hosted two webinars which provided important information and instruction on City & Guilds dated exams process for summer 2023, which includes T Levels. The webinars covered activities to complete prior to the exam, during the exam (such as invigilation certificates and instructions on completing the exam stationery), and instructions on returning scripts after the exam. If you are involved in exam administration or invigilation, you can find the webinar recordings on City & Guilds Exams Hub, along with updated guidance documents.
Agriculture, Land Management and Production Technical Qualification
For Providers hoping to deliver the Agriculture, Land Management and Production Technical Qualification from September 2023, the specifications are available online and can be downloaded from the qualification page, under 'centre documents'.
Approval window for delivery from September 2023
Providers who wish to deliver T Levels for the first time from September 2023 must submit their application by 30 June 2023. Providers who wish to add new routes or pathways must submit their extension form by 30 June 2023. Application forms, along with guidance documents, recordings of support webinars and timelines are available on the T Levels Resource Hub
Preparing for moderation with NCFE
NCFE want you to feel prepared for moderation and aware of what happens next, so we’ve provided a summary of everything you need to know. This includes NCFE’s approach to moderation, key dates and the support you’ll receive following moderation. Find out more here
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