Webinars for Higher Education

The department, alongside awarding organisations (AOs), have engaged the sector through webinars over the past three years. This has provided opportunities for schools and colleges to discuss their experience of delivering of T Levels, for AOs to run through Technical Qualification specification content and for the department to explain the practicalities of T Levels. These videos are available online at at T Levels videos - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk), and through UCAS updates to HE admissions leads.

To support the HE sector in preparing for August results day, the department runs a webinar to provide key information such as information on the UCAS tariff allocation for T Levels, the performance standards and the meaning of attainment in the programme, and an update on the level 3 qualifications review.

AOs are responsible for engaging the HE sector, including through the development of the Technical Qualification specification and through delivery.  We would encourage you to engage with AOs directly if you have feedback about specific T Levels.


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