27 April 2023 - T Level Newsletter

This week's newsletter includes updates on:

T Level data collection - 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 providers

We have now issued the May 2023 T Level data collection which will close on Friday 12 May.

It is critical for all providers to complete this data return and to ensure it is an accurate reflection of your delivery plans because we use this to plan for revenue and specialist equipment funding.

If you have any queries about completing the T Level digital form, please email TLDC.ENQUIRIES@education.gov.uk.                                                                                                



Latest DfE T Level and T Level Transition Programme Podcast available now

The fifth and final episode in the ‘DfE T Level and T Level Transition Programme - How to plan for success and be ready to deliver’ podcast series is now available to listen to. This episode is ‘Information and Advice to support T Level and T Level Transition Programme students' progress to positive destinations’ and features Roz Hicks, Head of Media, Business and Digital Industries at City College Norwich and Mark Taylor, Head of School and Construction, Engineering, Science and Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing at Preston College, discussing the progression strategies and approaches they have used to support students to successfully progress from T Level Transition Programmes to T Level Pathways, and from T Levels to higher education, apprenticeships and employment. 

You can find this and the previous four episodes on your regular podcast channels, including Apple PodcastsAmazon MusicAudibleGoogle or Spotify. The topics covered in each episode are:

  • Episode 1 - The importance of strategic intent
  • Episode 2 - What to consider when designing and delivering effective and successful T Level Programmes
  • Episode 3 - What to consider when designing and delivering effective and successful T Level Transition Programmes
  • Episode 4 - Marketing strategies to support the communication and recruitment of T Level & T Level Transition Programme students 

For further information about these episodes and how to access them, click on  DfE T Level and T Level Transition Programme Podcast series.


Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) – more occupational sectors available from September 2023

New HTQs will be available to study from September 2023 in:

Construction - leading to occupations such as Quantity Surveying Technician and Construction Design and Build Technician.


Health & Science - leading to occupations such as Nursing Associate and Assistant Practitioner in Healthcare.

More Digital HTQs will also be available to study, leading to occupations such as Cyber Security Engineer, Digital Analyst and Software Developer.

These level 4/5 qualifications provide learners with a high-quality progression route from T-Levels, A-Levels or apprenticeships and can provide a direct route into employment, an apprenticeship or further study. HTQs can be studied full or part-time, supporting learners who are in work to up-skill and further their career.

This occupational map provides an overview of technical education progression routes in and out of HTQs.


New approvals process and criteria for level 2 technical qualifications

On Thursday 20th April 2023, The Department for Education published details of the approval process and criteria that level 2 technical qualifications will need to meet to be approved for public funding for teaching from September 2025 onwards. We are reforming level 2 and below qualifications so that post-16 students will benefit from high-quality choices with clear progression pathways, whether this be to higher levels of study or directly into skilled employment at level 2.

In this first cycle of reform at level 2, we will consider technical qualifications leading to employment in the following occupational routes:

  • Construction and the Built Environment
  • Education and Early Years
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Health and Science

Further information can be found here: Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

The Guide to the post-16 Qualifications Landscape covers both level 3 and level 2. The level 3 approvals process was published in January this year. If you would like a refresher on the level 3 reforms, you can access the webinar below from earlier this year.

In case you missed it: pre-recorded webinar for level 3 providers


We are pleased to inform you that the next round of Taking Teaching Further (TTF) has launched

TTF provides funding to support FE providers to recruit and provide early career support to those with the relevant knowledge and industry experience to retrain as FE teachers. Funding supports recruitment across the 15 technical routes, the core skills that underpin good technical education (English and maths) and for recruits who will provide support to students with special educational needs and disabilities.

TTF is a two-year programme, with up to £18,200 available per eligible recruit. Funding is to cover the cost of the recruit undertaking a teaching qualification, the provider to deliver mentoring support, and to allow the recruit to have a reduced timetable by covering the costs of backfilling.

For TTF 2023, we are piloting a financial incentive for recruits, which is available in addition to the TTF support offer, for TTF recruits who are recruited to teach in some of the most hard-to-fill subjects (digital; construction and the built environment; engineering and manufacturing; and maths). Eligible recruits will receive a £6,000 incentive payment: £3,000 at the end of year one of the programme and £3,000 at the end of year two of the programme.

FE providers can register to the programme until 30 November 2023, and successfully registered providers can register recruits until 31 January 2024. Further information on the financial incentive and the TTF programme can be found on the TTF gov.uk page.

If you have any questions or require more information, then please contact the Taking Teaching Further team on TTF.Enquiries@education.gov.uk.


Upcoming events from AoC

T Level Webinar 2024 Providers - Strategic Leadership of T Levels in a Provider Setting

T Level Webinar 2024 Providers - Strategic… | Association of Colleges (aoc.co.uk)

T Level Transition Programme Webinar - Planning for Progression to T Level 10th May 2023

T Level Transition Programme Webinar -… | Association of Colleges (aoc.co.uk)

Technical Focus Groups: Preparing for the Holistic Delivery of the T Level Transition Programme

These events are aimed at staff who will be involved in the delivery of the technical content of the T Level Transition Programme, for example, teachers, lecturers, instructors, curriculum leads, curriculum managers, to include the curriculum specialists for each route, English, maths, digital and employability skills specialists.

21st June: North West

22nd June: North East

28th June: East Midlands

29th June: West Midlands

5th July: South East

6th July: South West


Awarding Organisations Updates


For Eligible and Approved Providers, please be aware that AOs will shortly be making the details of Fees for AY 23/24 available. For more information, Providers should visit the website of the Awarding Organisation delivering the T Levels they are interested in or are already offering.

AOs are in the process of consulting with Providers on the development of the Key Dates Schedules for AY 23-25. Providers are encouraged to share feedback with the Awarding Organisations directly as part of this consultation. Providers should visit Awarding Organisation’s website for more details and to contribute to the consultation.


Pearson’s April E-Bulletin was published and included the following:  

  • 2023 Specifications 
  • 2023 Provider Approval window 
  • Draft 2023-2025 Key Dates Schedules consultation 

 Read the April E-Bulletin 


NCFE’s Key Dates Schedule Consultation

NCFE has now shared the proposed T Level Key Dates Schedule for 2023-24 and 2024-25 and is seeking feedback from providers on the content and structure of this document.

All responses should be submitted no later than Friday 5 May 2023, with a shorter second period of consultation opening on Monday 5 June until Friday 16 June 2023, to allow for any additional feedback once providers are more familiar with the experiences from these OS assessments. Please take a look at the guidance before submitting feedback.

City & Guilds:

Provider approval process: window now open

The T Levels approval window opened on Monday 27 February for first teaching in September 2023. If you wish to apply you can find the forms on the T Level Resource Hub. It is recommended that you read the Provider approval and quality assurance guide, for more advice and support on the approvals process: https://www.cityandguilds.com/-/media/cityandguilds-site/documents/t-levels/2022/tq-provider-approval-qa-info-pdf.ashx

Consultation on proposed key dates

Draft autumn 2024 and summer 2025 key date schedules have been published for consultation. City & Guilds are seeking feedback from T Level Providers on the proposed key assessment dates for the 2024-2025 academic year. View the proposed key dates: https://www.cityandguilds.com/-/media/cityandguilds-site/documents/t-levels/2023/draft-key-dates-2024-2025-academic-year-pdf

Upcoming summer 2023 deadlines

30 April 2023: End of the late window for making entries (bookings) for Core Exams Paper 1 and Paper 2.

12 May 2023: Deadline to upload candidate evidence for the Employer-Set Projects to Walled Garden for Management and Administration, Onsite Construction and Building Service Engineering TQs.

19 May 2023: Deadline to upload marks and all candidate evidence for Occupational Specialism assessments to the Moderation Portal for Onsite Construction and Building Services Engineering TQs.

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