T Levels: Group Industry Placement - Healthcare Science - Bridging Curriculum to Industry with NCFE and Charted Biomedical Scientist Bamidele Farinre
We welcome you to join Bamidele Farinre, Chartered Biomedical Scientist and author of ‘The Mentor’s Journey’, and Tracey Hutchinson, Provider Development Officer at NCFE, for a comprehensive look into how healthcare scientists can contribute to patient care, complemented by a deep dive into the T Level specification on how to put these skills into practice in industry.
Tracey will be covering:
- Introduction and her role at NCFE
- How can NCFE support with curriculum delivery
- Structure of the Healthcare Science Occupational Specialism
- Overview of assignments and assessment criteria
- What students need to do to be prepared for industry
Bami will be covering:
- Introduction and her career so far
- Role of Institute of Biomedical Science Advisory Panel Member and STEM ambassador
- The importance of good laboratory practice (GLP)
- The purpose of collecting and analysing a range of specimens to investigate, diagnose and treat disease
- Functions of laboratory equipment used in the process of specimens
- The use of technology in biomedical science
This session will address the following parts of the specification:
Healthcare Science:
• Core component: A.10.2
• Performance Outcome 2: K2.7, K2.17
• Performance Outcome 3: K3.21
Science - Laboratory Sciences:
Performance outcome 1: K1.65, S1.68