Getting Ready to Assess the T Level in Legal Services (Occupational Specialism)
This session will walk you through how Pearson will assess the Occupational Specialist Project. We will use the Specimen Assessment Material (SAM) and the Additional Specimen Assessment Material (AdSAM) to demonstrate how the Occupational Specialist Project could be assessed throughout the lifetime of the qualification. Our aim is for you to have a good understanding of the approach we have taken for the Occupational Specialist Project. To do this, we will look at the common themes every Occupational Specialist Project will have so you understand the requirements of the assessment and can prepare your students accordingly. For each task we will use the Guide Standard Exemplification Material (GSEM) to review the student evidence or artifact, we will discuss the type and depth of response required and use the mark scheme so you understand where marks will and will not be attributed. Before attending this session, we would strongly suggest you familiarise yourself with the SAM and AdSAM. There will also be opportunity to address frequently asked questions related to the Occupational Specialist Project. This event, and the qualifications covered, are suitable for UK CENTRES ONLY.
Delivered by Pearson.