Employer Engagement Job Description


The job / role descriptions are editable examples for an individual who will be responsible for employer engagement and securing T Level Industry Placements in your school, college or educational institute. 

There is an example version available for schools / or similar and one for colleges / or providers with multiple employer-facing programmes.  



The example content can be used to shape a job / role description for an individual who will be responsible for securing T Level Industry Placements in your school, college, or educational institute. 

You will need to decide on a job title (suggestions given), and select the appropriate role responsibilities, job requirements and skills. The outline has been developed with only T Level Industry Placements in mind, so the content may need to be blended with existing role descriptions if an individual also has responsibility for other activity areas within the school, e.g., Work experience, Careers education and information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG).

The knowledge, skills, and behaviours of the Customer Service Specialist (level 3) and Sales Executive (level 4) apprenticeship standards have been referenced in this role description.

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