Industry Placement - Employer Support Fund (ESF) update

The Employer Support Fund (ESF) was made available as a one-year trial fund in FY23-24 to support employers with the costs associated with industry placements. The fund came to a close on 31st March 2024 and we emailed providers on the 17th April to inform them of the closure of the fund.

We are grateful for all the efforts happening in your institutions to ensure that every student has access to a placement. Overall, the ESF have proven to be a valuable way of testing employer need and we will be monitoring the evidence from the pilot to inform any future support offer.

In the meantime, we remain committed to delivering high-quality industry placements and encourage you to make use of the extensive additional support available on our provider and employer support websites.

Outstanding ESF claims to the online ESF data tracking tool should have been uploaded before 5th May 2024.

If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us at


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