Changes to the assessment arrangements for the Core component from 2023/24 onwards

From academic year 2023/24 onwards, students can take the Core exams in a different assessment series to the employer-set project at the first attempt

Following Ofqual’s consultation (March-May 2023) into changes to the assessment arrangements for the Core component, students can now take either part of the Core component (the Core Exams or the Employer Set Project (ESP)) separately in different assessment series at the first attempt. This will offer more flexibility for education and training providers in how they sequence the delivery and assessment of T Level courses.

Respondents to the consultation commented that the revised approach was fairer to students and would have an overall positive impact, by allowing students to focus on, and take, the Core Exam and the ESP individually.

It will mean students can, as previously, enter the Core Exam and Core Project together. Alternatively, they can now take the Core Exams and Core Project separately. Students will still need to take all the assessments for the part they take in the same series (for example all Core Exams in the same summer series where there is more than one exam). Awarding Organisations are making sure their approach to the availability of assessments allows students to be entered in this way.

These arrangements already apply to students who are retaking assessments, and this will continue to be the case. As now, results from the Core Exam and Core Project will be aggregated into an overall Core component grade. Students will still need to attempt both parts (the ESP and Core Exams) by the end of their T Level course to be awarded a Core component grade.

Ofqual expects the changes to be implemented from September 2023 so that the new approach is available to students, even where schools and colleges may not yet have updated versions of specifications and other materials available to them. 

If you have any queries about the change in Core assessment arrangements please contact the relevant Awarding Organisation in the first instance.

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